Chapter 2

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Nothing else had him shaken up except the one thing he dreaded most, washing off his hair dye. His natural brown curls made him to remember how regular and weak he was. But there was nothing he could do since it was the first rule of mating process, you had to show your true self to your mate.

"Well don't you look extraordinary." Sugar marveled as she rested against her open bathroom door. He smiled at the way her red armless camisole hugged her torso and her blue jean that stood right on top her very expensive looking sneakers.

"You look beautiful." he chuckled and walked closer to her so he could run his finger through her curls.

"Look me in the eyes and tell me I mean nothing to you."

His smile slipped into confusion. "What?"

"Tell me our friendship has always been a lie because what in the fuck are you being so cheesy for? It's creepy." she echoed and he laughed in relief and picked up his brown jacket that was on her bed.

"Do you think Hikaru would like me back?" he asked in anticipation for a positive answer but groaned when her first collided with his shoulder.

"Who wouldn't? Now come along, my dad's waiting." she pulled him out of her room and they both ran on the hallway like there was an apocalypse but stopped when they reached the top of the stairs.

"Let's tie our elbows and descend down the stairs like we're well mannered innocent teenagers who both just turned 18." Sugar ordered in a fake British accent and he grinned and walked down the stairs proudly but sucked his lips between his teeth when the crowd at the large hall noticed them coming.

"Great, all eyes on us. Fucking feel like stabbing their eyeballs." I mumbled closely to Sugar.

"Careful now, we're in the midst of werewolves." Sugar warned in the same tone, still faking her accent and he rolled his eyes and released her when he noticed her father stared at their proximity in disapproval.

The crowd went silent as her father walked up to front and stood on whatever was covered with a rug that made him taller.

"Good evening Wolfhill pack and thank you for coming to my first heir's 18th birthday as well as her title inauguration." Alpha Tom's voice covered the entire hall with a strong energy the claps that followed made Ace to whimper at the sound.

Abilities control was one of the classes he hated and his result was a proof. He was a slow learner so while his mates could get used to loud sounds, he could get used to hissing and whimpering all the time.

He watched for the first time as Sugar faced her father with her palm stretched towards him.

"Blood of my blood, flesh of my flesh, as I acknowledge the goddess at this point of my life, I swear to protect Wolfhill until my last breath." Sugar enchanted as her father slitted his palm and hers and joined their hands together.

He could feel it, the whole pack could feel the strange surge of power that coursed through them. It was like the lowest wave of electricity was flowing through them. It was the connection of a new Alpha.

This didn't mean her father was stepping down, it meant she'd be the next ruler of the pack if he died but Ace knew it was just a show in front of the entire members because there was no way he was giving his pack to a weak wolf like his daughter.

The pop music started and her father left, including the adults which meant the teenagers had the entire floor to themselves.

In less than five minutes, he was in shock as alcohol was being passed around and couples started to make out in corners.

"Happy fucking birthday Wallace!" Sugar yeld behind him and he turned around, worried she was drunk but all he saw was the highness of excitement.

"What are you doing?" he laughed as she started to twerk to Nicki's Megatron and attempted to walk away but she pulled him close to her.

"You found Hikaru yet?" she asked and he shook his head disappointingly.

"What are you waiting for? Go get your girl!" she yelled over the loudness of the music and he grinned and nodded.

"What about you?" he asked in concern and she rolled her eyes.

"Don't worry about me chipmunk. Just go!" she ordered and he turned around and started to search for her like a desperate mad man. He walked over to the kitchen, successfully avoiding the cocaine squad and was disappointed when she wasn't there.

He slowed down after 30 minutes had passed and was about to head upstairs so he could hide in Sugar's room but froze the moment he saw her group in the hallway, smoking weed. She had her back against him and turned slowly but he didn't smile.

His heart didn't beat anymore and he didn't feel the tingles his mother told him about. Her scent was just the same old regular scent and there was no sign of electricity that was supposed to bring them closer.

"What do you want poser?" Luke, AKA the scumbag of Wolfhill asked and his lips turned down in disappointment. If there was anyone he hated apart from Tristan, it would be Luke. He was the pack's warrior's son which made him the leader of the warriors in Wolfhill academy.

His eyes drew down at the hand that was wrapped around Hikaru's waist and he turned around and walked away. Back at the party hall, he decided to finally get some alcohol when the scent whipped into his nose like a slap on the face.

Like lake water mixed with earth and wood. Like flower mixed with lavender and coffee. He noticed it came from the kitchen and he walked in, determined to find her in the large crowded kitchen.

He searched everywhere and walked closer to the scent until he saw a couple making out intensely against the kitchen sink. He knew his mate was the girl but he didn't know how he would interrupt their session.

Pain tugged at his chest as tears filled his eyes. He wouldn't blame her of course, it happened to everyone but he didn't know why it would hurt this much. His wolf howled sadly in his head and they stopped kissing.

The guy turned around and Ace gasped in a deadly shock. Tristan Lakewell was his soulmate. The biggest arrogant asshole who always had a hard-on picking on him was his fucking soulmate.

Their eyes joined, both minds frozen as they tried to process the new information. Ace especially as he fell backwards into oblivion.

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