'Aston, I need you to bring Amara to the cells on the Northern border; her ex-mate is here. You can tell her that much and let her know I will fill her in as soon as you two arrive.'

'Got it, boss, we're on our way,' Aston responds immediately

I shift into Adonis and run to the cells, wondering how Amara will feel about all this. Has she repeatedly spoken about how she never loved him and wanted revenge? Absolutely, but it was different when it was presented to you. What the fuck would I do if she decided to go back with him? Both Adonis and I growl at the thought

'She won't go back with him; she doesn't want him. Even if she had a moment of weakness, Tamisra wouldn't let her.' Adonis reassures me in my head

In reality, I know he's right, but I can't help thinking about the what-ifs. They still swarm through my head as I approach the cells and enter, seeing Max and Becca already had him bound and awake, waiting for me.

I only stand and glare at him, waiting for Amara and Aston. I won't do anything without talking to her first. Plus, his anticipation will make him more frantic when we finally get down to business.

It only takes another five minutes before her delicious scent wafts down to me, and I don't try to contain my smile at having her near again. This earns me a growl from Felix, but I don't give two fucks as I open my arms for her, and she crashes into me.

Do I want to be the bigger person and not stake a claim on her in front of him? Sure, but I'm still an Alpha, and we're possessive in our DNA, so I kiss her and add enough tongue until her arousal fills the room. She pulls away with a light blush gracing her cheeks, but her eyes turn feral when they land on Felix before her. I watch several different emotions cross her face, but she settles with anger. I lace our fingers together before speaking.

"Amara, what does he smell like to you?" I ask her

She inhales the air, a hint of surprise lining her features

"He only smells like burnt wood. He used to smell like cinnamon and vanilla, maybe a little burnt occasionally, now that I think about it," she says, looking him over before he turns back to me. "It's unique how he smells now; I've never smelled anything like it before."

Well, any question we had about her heritage was officially answered.

"Care to give her an explanation, dear Felix?" I say to the fuckwad

He only fixes his eyes to where I have my hands on her hips and growls before I roll my eyes and turn to Amara, running my hand up her back

"He smells like burnt wood to you because that's how a demon smells to another demon," I tell her, not beating around the bush

Her eyes widen for a second before she looks at me, down at her hands, then Felix. She does this several times before she finally speaks

"How was he able to pose as a werewolf then? I met his wolf, although Tamisra never spoke with him, he just told us his wolf had strong mental shields," she asks me

"Incubi like him can shapeshift, isn't that right, Felix?" I say with a fake smile in his direction

He doesn't answer; he only glares at me before he speaks to Amara

"I am an incubus; I have to have sex to survive. That was the only reason I cheated on you; I would have died without sex once every two days," he says, pleading with her

She stays quiet and studies him, not one single ounce of emotion on her face

"So you're a sex demon...yet I still had to fake all my orgasms?" she says with a raised eyebrow at him

Not one single person in the room was expecting that, and a couple of us, including me, let out a bark of laughter while the others held one back. Felix's eyes darken in anger as he opens his mouth to speak, but I cut him off, not wanting to even think about him touching her.

"What did you want with her? Why did you seek out a fake mate bond?" I ask him with a growl

The dickfucker just shrugs

"I wanted her," he says simply

I walk up to him, grab his hair and slam his head back down

"Let me rephrase that; how did you know there was something more to her? Why did you need a fake mate bond to control her, and what the fuck is she? She's no regular demon, although you already know that," I demand, keeping a firm grip on his hair

He only glares at me, pure hatred shining in his eyes.

"I don't have fucking time for this," Amara snarls

I cringe as she stomps up to him, lets her claws out, and grabs him by the junk, sinking her claws in as he lets out a scream

"Answer him," she hisses venomously at Felix, sinking her claws deeper when he doesn't.

To his credit, he lasts another thirty seconds before he breaks

"FUCK! The vampire King wants you; I don't know a damn thing about why, just that you have special powers he needs. He said I could keep you if I got you to him in one piece and made you submit to his wishes," Felix yells

I see red. With only his death in mind, Adonis snatches control from me, shifts, and lunges at him. He screams again as we tear his arm off and go in for his leg before I feel Amara grab my face with her tiny hands and force my attention to her; her touch instantly calms me

"Babe. Look at me. We need him alive; he can't tell us anything else. If you kill him right now, then we have no other way to get information," she says, fixing her gaze on me

It might have been harder to stop me from killing him if I didn't see confusion and fear haunting her eyes. I turn to his screaming form with a final snarl before I walk away and shift back, grabbing a pair of pants before I return to him.

His screaming has died out as the stump that is now his arm heals slowly, and the bleeding from where I tore into his leg stops. I can see his own fear, mixed with his hatred on his disgusting face. I stand above him; he dies tonight. Adonis will never let him walk out of here alive.

"You have two choices. Either you tell us everything you know, and I kill you quickly, or we have a very long night ahead of us. Maybe a couple days. Your pain ends when you give us the information we need," I tell him, cool rage lacing my words.

He only glares at me and spits on the ground. I cross my arms and give him a long look.

"So be it then," I say calmly before turning to Amara. "You don't need to see this; go home, and I'll meet you there when I can," I say, my voice softer now.

She crosses her arms and raises her brows at me

"I'm fine; I'm staying," she says simply

"Amar-" I start, but she cuts me off

"This is about me, and am I, not the one who just got him to talk? I'm staying. I can handle whatever you have to do," she says, holding my gaze.

I see the determination paint her features and sigh, running a hand down my face and nodding. I pull her in and kiss my little psycho's head before I walk over to where I keep the tools.

'Aston, keep an eye on her. If she pukes or passes out, take her home, I tell him via mindlink as I grab a pair of dull scissors.

Yeah, we have a long fucking night ahead of us.

Alpha's Fallen AngelWhere stories live. Discover now