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At first, there was nothing. Then there was something. Lots of Somethings. Instantaneously, the universe split into two, separated by a line between their two dimensions. In that same instant, power surged through one side. The Somethings on that side were given everything. They could do anything.

They began creating themselves. They created dimensions one through seven. They began creating things. They created creation, life, joy, light, etc.... But they couldn't pass they barrier. The universe came with one rule: if it is, then it is. And if it was a god, it had to stay on the god's side. On the other side, there were Somethings; the beginning of anything; the thing that the gods originated from. They gods continued to create things. Moving. Talking. Walking. Running.

Because they hadn't created anything else, all there was to feel when destruction happened was joy. They created love. Then, one named Kaloh, created sadness. The other gods felt bad about destroying stuff, and they created guilt. Kaloh was different. He didn't destroy everything in sight. He created more than he destroyed. Then, he found a way. Just like that, he crossed the barrier, and was no longer a god. In the other side, he created everything. The earth, the sun, the stars. He added life.

Meanwhile on the other side, the gods created anger. Spite. Revenge. They plotted against Kaloh. They resented him for being able to cross the barrier. Kaloh knew this, and stayed on the other side. He tended to his world for thousands of years. But he knew he couldn't stay. He left the people of earth a gift. He also left the ability to go to other side somewhere on the non-gods side. Then, he became a god again, and was pulled back to the other side, where the other gods were waiting for him. The gods created torture, pain, death, and gave it to Kaloh. And he stayed like that.

On earth, life evolved. It evolved into what it is today: humans and non-humans, living in a world with peace. But then, they created war. Greed. Violence. The gods became worried. None of them had created those things. The non-gods did. They asked Kaloh about it, but he wouldn't tell. They created stealing. They took the things Kaloh created, but they still couldn't get past the barrier. He left that ability on earth. The gods spent decades plotting the demise of Kaloh's creation. Then they figured it out. They diminished their powers, and they were no longer gods. Nine of the gods made it to the other side: Lonto, Sibu, Groubou, Maseale, Decryt, Banto, Pasel, Arint, and Karoct. They had some power left, which wouldn't let them enter the third dimension. But they could still influence it.

They created Hell, but Kaloh already created Heaven. They pulled away Somethings when they strayed from the path to Heaven. Then, they each took a part to control and break: Lonto became the god of wisdom and malice, and he took North America. Sibu became the god of lies, and took over South America. Groubou became the god of disaster and misfortune, and took over Australia. Maseale became the god of immorality and spite, and took over Africa. Arint became the god of pain and torture, and managed Hell. Decryt became the god of death, and assisted Arint. Banto became the god of isolation and alienation, and took over Antarctica. Pasel became the god of evil and black magic, and took over Asia. Finally, Karoct became the god of greed and corruption, and took over Europe.

They divided and conquered, and began to crumble Kaloh's world, while all he could do was watch. But someone wasn't against him. Jiq, the one who created life, also diminished his powers. He went to the other side, and worked against the Seven Devils that were plaguing the earth. He managed Heaven, and even found a way to be born into the world, and healed and helped everyone around him. But Lonto also was born into the world, and got him killed (and him too in the process). But the people remembered Jiq, and his appearance made the world better.

And now the beginning of our story. Bruce, a dragon/lion mix, and his brother Anden, lived in a quaint house in a yellow-grass plains. They knew nothing of the gods; they just wanted to live their lives. Bruce thinks he has powers, but his older brother doesn't, so he's worried that even though his parents did, he might not. Everyone called the powers they received an 'Able'. Ables were given to random people, with little to no way to know if one would have one.

Bruce, Anden, and their mother were living a good life, until Decryt appeared. They saw him as the reaper, and fought him off. But he took their mother, and destroyed their home. Now, the two of them must find a way to survive, with the help of their new friends; Veya, Anthony, Seth, Benny, and Will, all of who were humans. The story starts with them traveling through their once-healthy plains, now dead, to find the Gift that Kaloh left. And now the story will begin.

In the next chapter.

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