" No, I remember you ordered twelve," Lang says looking up from where he is standing next to my bookshelf, I stop short as I look over him, not remembering that details myself.

" Who got the extra four?" Sharon chuckles taking me aback. " Spector," Steve says from his seat.
" Who's Spector?" Joaquin asks, finally looking away from the chest board on the table in front of him. I walk behind Joaquin as I hand Sharon the other glass on my hand," Oh yeah, Marc," Natasha says lightly with a grin," Gosh, I miss that guy," She says playfully toward Steve.

" You didn't tell me Marc's one of you guys," Sharon says looking up at me, grinning as she takes the sip on the whiskey," I think I've mentioned him a few times," I say with a shrug, Sharon shakes her head playfully," You know Marc?" Steve asks, looking over Sharon from his seat," Know in a way Bucky told me with some embarrassing stories a couple times," She says with a grin," Yeah well he wasn't around for long," Natasha says as she leans back on her seat,
" He moved to London before third semester," Natasha says with nods," We didn't really get along tho," Steve shrug a shoulder before he put his hand over Tasha's shoulder.

" Do you think he's still with Layla? " Sam chuckles as he takes the empty seat across Joaquin," Who knows, Sam, he's never been the get in touch type," Tasha chuckles," The sneaky bastard, he skipped class more than anyone else in the entire Harvard," Steve says with a laugh, Sharon chuckles along, her eyes looks at me with a more of understanding look.

Truth is Marc never really get along with the other, he never contacted anyone after he moved to UK- at least not until two years ago when he called for some business offering, I was with Sharon having lunch when he called and no one from the group knew how Marc and I been working on a side job here and there since.

" Wait, was it during open mic night?" Sam asks looking over Steve, " Open mic, really? who are you guys in college?" Joaquin laughs, I shake my head grinning as I try to pull the hazy memories of that night," I don't recall any of it?" I chuckle over Rogers, he looks at me for a seconds before Tasha chuckles," To be fair were basically wasted before you start pulling your Romeo card," She says with a laugh, shifting on her seat before she down the second beer followed with Rogers and Wilson laugh in the same time.

" Romeo card?" Lang asks, I force out a smile as a cold breeze swing over the back of my neck as I try to remember that detail of my past life, I remember the music, the bar and the hangover the next day- but I had no inkling of whatever Tasha was talking about the Romeo card. " ... He wrote his number to the woman behind the bar, you and Marc left earlier after the bet." Steve says with a grin before I blink back and get myself back together.


It's almost 3:15 am when Joaquin call the night off, he and Sam leave first before Lang walks to his old truck, his friend Kurt just arrived five minutes ago after Lang made the call how he needs someone to drive him, part of me glad that he's sober enough to made that wise decisions and not bring up anything about our deal earlier throughout the night.

Everyone drives off my place leaving Rogers and I cleaning up the living room while both Tasha and Sharon are upstairs.
I'm on taking the third empty bottle off the carpet when Steve grin over me," It doesn't matter how old we get, it always the same mess," He chuckles, holding a trash bag in one hand, I grin as I take it off him and toss it to the trash cabinet behind the kitchen counter.

" You punk," Steve laugh," Jerk," I grin as we walk back to the living room. " You good?" He asks shortly, I glance over him before I nod my head once, " Yeah," I say hesitantly, " Remind me again about the open mic night," I chuckle shortly, leaning backward on my seat with the my third Macallan.

" What?" Steve says abruptly," I'm just curious how it went," I say looking over him, Steve chuckles as he slide an unopened beer from the side table and crack it open with his key, a trick I remember taught him when we were in high school.

AFTERGLOW - JAMES BUCKY BARNES FANFICWhere stories live. Discover now