Paths cross [sid x reader]

Começar do início

Sid checked his phone.

"It's like 12:30." Oh wow, you'd barely been asleep for an hour.

"Wait, why are you here Sid? I thought you moved to California." You could have sworn that was the last you'd heard of him.

He scratched the back of his neck, smile wavering slightly.

"Well yeah, I did. My sister lives out there, the oldest one, and that was cool to live with her for a while."

" And ?" That was definitely not the whole story.

"I pissed her off real bad and she kinda kicked me out." Oh.

"How- uh, if you don't mind me asking?"

"She has a boyfriend now, and he hates me. And we kept getting in arguments, for like months and months, and then he started saying all this shitty stuff about her and I uhh punched him in the face...more than once...okay like three times. And that clearly didn't go over well."

You didn't say anything at first. Sid had always been a bit of a hothead, but this seemed a little extreme. Besides, you were friends in highschool, it was one thing for a teenager to have a temper, a full grown adult was a different story.

"That's...too bad." He nodded solemnly in agreement.

"Anyways so I decided to come back here, probably gonna crash with my parents for a while till I figure something out." So he was sticking around?

"Mhmm, good plan."

"I missed you y'know?" Well that came out of nowhere.

"Mmh." You didn't really know how to respond. It had been two years, maybe two and a half since you'd seen Sid. And it wasn't exactly the most pleasant goodbye. Sid had been itching to leave Iowa his whole life. And the summer after graduating highschool he finally did it, he picked up and left. It didn't come as a surprise to anyone, Sid was very vocal about hating Des Moines and every weekend, every summer, every spring or winter break, he worked his ass off to save up enough money.

And it was all well and good, you were happy for him, but then he asked you to go with him. You told him you couldn't, now wasn't the right time for you, you still had unfinished business in Des Moines.

"Why don't you want to go with me?" He demanded.

"Sid, I do. I just can't right now. Maybe in a year or two..."

"That's too long, I can't wait for that long."

"Then I'm sorry just go without me."

"Do you really wanna waste your life in this shit hole of a town?"

You froze. You almost wanted to cover year ears, as if not hearing would make it less real.

"Because that's what's going to happen. I can't do that, okay? I have to be somebody, I'd rather die than stay here!"

"Sid it's not the end of the world, I'll catch up with you at some point-"

"No you won't. You say you will, but you won't. This is giving up, you're giving up like you always do!"

"Sid stop!"

"No, you know what? I'm not going to stop, I'm sick of you being too fucking scared of change to do anything different for once."

You didn't respond. Your eyes welled up with tears and your cheeks burned in shame. You saw it in Sid's face, he knew he'd gone too far.

"Wait, no, I didn't mean it-" but you had started towards the door.

Slipknot short stories Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora