⚡️🌏The Newcomers🌎 ⚡️

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Disclaimer:All rights go to the Arrowverse and their respective owners these characters are not my own hence I give credit for the ones who made them and respectively ask them not to take down my account or story thank you and have a good day all the images shown are owned by the Arrowverse and the artist(s)

Connor stood across his living room while Abigail and Jesse sat across from him on the couch, Abigail nervously smiled at Connor..she had just met him a couple minutes ago but his mere presence is all it took to send chills down to her very core

Abigail fidgets with her own hands before looking at Jesse for any kind of help but she could hear her heart racing faster than it usually did for a speedster, so using whatever courage she could..she finally spoke

Abigail:So um judging by the 'I don't believe you' face you're giving means you don't..actually believe us

Connor slowly made his way over to the chair in front of them with a coffee table dividing where they sat as he glanced at Jesse and then back at Abigail before sitting down and leaning in a bit

"As crazy as what I am about to say will be but I actually believe you.."

Abigail was taken back by the answer..she did admit that some part of her didn't really think Connor would believe what she had to say but by the looks of it she was wrong

"I have some seen some impossible things happen in my life even being one of them myself, but anything can happen in a multiverse.."

He gets up from his chair and walks over the coffee table and looks at Abigail

"I have somewhere I need to take you, im not saying it's possible but if you brought anything dangerous from your world..I need to know"

Abigail and Jesse nodded their heads understanding where he was coming from as they both got up from the couch

Jesse:So where are you taking us?

"I'm taking you to STAR Labs..well more like my own building that I own but it's the same thing"

Abigail and Jesse look at each other like they just heard some of the most bizarre news ever as they quickly follow Connor


Connor steps out of the taxi and pays the driver as Abigail and Jesse can only look in absolute shock and awe at how seriously huge and advanced this STAR is; because compared to the one they knew..it was nothing like this

Connor opens the door for them as they both walk out of the car, the hybird puts his glasses on and gestures for them to follow him; Abigail quickly stands in Connor's way with a million questions racing through her mind

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Connor opens the door for them as they both walk out of the car, the hybird puts his glasses on and gestures for them to follow him; Abigail quickly stands in Connor's way with a million questions racing through her mind

Abigail:Wait wait so you own all of this?

Connor nonchalantly shrugs his shoulders and calmly explains

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