4. Bad and good?

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[ ? PoV ]

After Fresh's visit I learned that the papers around me were Alternative Universes/AU's.
So I started looking and saw hundreds and hundreds of them. While looking I saw that my scarf had things written on it.

'Dream and Swap are good. Dream has a yellow crown (?) And Swap has body armor and a blue bandana.'

'Nightmare's gang is bad. Error and Cross are with them.'
These two where slightly blurred. Probably because it was old.

'Cross. "Last survivor" can't reset. XTale. He's good.'
This one was almost illegible.

I could only understand some parts of this note. But I didn't look like this was the same person.
'___. Be ca_e_ul, the m___iver_e ha_ a _im_t. Do_'t trust F__e! They're ly__g abo_t your __eed_m of _rea_ion.'

'eh? Be caa...reful..? Be careful.. the.... uhh..'
"Oh wait! If Fresh (I think it was they're name) could teleport could I teleport too?!" I asked myself completely forgetting about the note.

"Also Dream and Swap are good, Cross was good but became bad and now is with the Error and Nightmare's gang. Error may be the glitchy brah Fresh mentioned before." I found a pen on my sash and started writing on my scarf so I wouldn't forget.

"Ah there you are Ink! Me and Swap were looking for you." Turning around I see two skeletons, Dream and Swap I assume as they match the description in my scarf.

"Hello Dream! Hello Swap! Why were you two looking for me?" I asked.

"YOU FORGOT ABOUT THE MEETING AGAIN. ALSO I MADE TACOS FOR YOU AFTER THE MEETING IS OVER!" Blue answered my question. 'Meeting? Did I write that?' as I was checking my scarf to see if I was wrote that.

~Time skip~

The meeting was finally over! As I was eating Swap's tacos I started thinking back as to why they called a meeting. Apparently the bad sanses were seen on Outertale a lot.

When I finish eating I decided to just sleep. I didn't know when was the last time I had any sleep so yeah. I slept on the table.

[353 words]
I won't be posting for a while because I'm busy with school. I'm sort of a leader there. Sorry for the inconvenience of dropping this new on you guys.

Also some things for the book:

"Hello!" Talking.
'hello!' thinking.
'hello!' writing.

Reincarnated as a god!?Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt