#14 (Reign of Supermen Part 1)

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Flying through the city, swaying and curving as much as need be, the clone of Superman heads toward a building east of Metropolis City. A particular hotel - one where his relatively new associate, Rex Leech, had requested to meet this afternoon. When it finally becomes visible in his line of sight, Connor makes certain to head right for the 7th floor of the nine-story building. He eventually eases to a halt midflight while also reaching out to grab hold of the balcony's railing, then promptly hoists himself up and over the obstacle. Once his boots come to meet a solid concrete surface, he doesn't hesitate at all to tread onward. His hands reach in unity to grip at the curved handles of the double glass doors before him and pull, prying his entrance with mindful care as a flow of wind brushes by, blowing against the trimmed raven locks of his styled hair and the leather jacket that adorns not only his lean physique, but the extravagant high-end body suit CADMUS bestowed upon him weeks before he opened his eyes for the first time. Inside awaits a soft carpet flooring and cozy interior, as well as the rather short businessman who was presently swept up in what Superman assumes is a very important call. Rex's words and reactions were rather tense. Being in no rush, Connor leaves him be and takes a moment to turn and shut the balcony doors behind himself. Gently and slowly until he hears a soft affirming 'click'.

"Yeah, no, I DO hear what you're saying, sir...

What? N-no! Of course not...

No, no. I assure you, Mr.Wiloham, everything is totally fine! Smooth as a cruise trip to the Bahamas! You have nothing to worry about, sir." Responses Rex gives to whomever is on the other side of the line. A conversation Connor tries not to eavesdrop on with his incredible hearing - the artificial youth turns once more and begins exploring a bit. Scanning over the space that resembles a living room as he keeps his eyes open for anything interesting. What that turns out to be seconds later is a newspaper that sits atop of the small table beside the sofa. He picks it up and unrolls it, soon proceeding to spread the paper to read its content. He wasn't looking for anything in particular or expecting anything eye-catching from the reports of trivial human affairs, but something did stir his curiosity... By the way his face knits a small scowl, it's safe to assume it's not quite too pleasant. His eyes, from behind his obscuring shades, read on.

"...What is this?" The words leave his lips as if presenting a question, but it's merely rhetorical disdain. 

"Supermen have shown up in Metropolis City? Since when...? I wasn't told about other—" Then realization strikes him like an arrow hitting a bullseye. This was likely another alteration born from the destruction of the cube. 

"Why...? Why would it suddenly create fakes...? No, they have to be delusional idolizers." The kryptonian reasons to himself before eventually folding the newspaper shut and placing it back down where he originally found it. He turns toward Rex again, but the middle-aged man was still busy with his phone call. Thus, Connor paces throughout the room with his hands joined at the small of his back. His thoughts analyzing his new discovery with concern and maybe just as much as annoyance. He does consider the factual notion that it isn't remotely bad that a few individuals or so want to aid society by fighting crime, but who were they to impose upon what he felt was his rightful inheritance -- the moniker of his predecessor? He comes to the conclusion that these false Supermen need to be set straight and made to understand that none of them will ever be closely identical to original as he is.

"Listen, the sooner I can get back to work, the sooner I can get your money, mister Wiloham. I've got plays in motion right now as we speak! In fact, my biggest one yet had arrived at my balcony not even five minutes ago! Trust me, everything is all fine.


Yup, I'm sure of it!

I understand, sir.

Alright, I'll definitely talk to you later. You have a good one."  At last, Rex's chat came to an end and he hangs up the phone. Just he turns to greet the young man, Connor steps to him with aggressive-like body language. Practically invading the shorter male's person space.

"Who are these other Supermen?" Connor questions with undeniable irritation lacing his tone.

"Woah, woah, woah! Easy, kid. It's why I wanted to talk to ya today." Rex begins while holding his hands up defensively.
"It's about time you start asserting your presence out there, especially with the competition that's around jacking your swagger. You look like a Bad Boy, but now you've got to show the city that you can walk the walk. You get what I'm saying, kid?"

"I'm. . . not entirely sure. You think I look like a bad person? I thought you approved of my look. Did I get something wrong?" Connor responds with a genuine stare and tone of confusion.

"No, no, no. It's just urban city talk! By 'bad boy', I mean a guy with a fancy look like yours, who's every young girl's wet dream! A tough guy who abides by nobody's rules but his own. You know, a total rebel with an attitude!"

"Like Johnny McCool..." Connor utters just as Rex's description reminds him of a character from one of the films he spent watching with his mother.

"Exactly! Johnny McCool. One of the slickest greasers to ever jab a juke box with his elbow and ride triumphantly into the sunset after winning the heart of his gal."

"Rex, I can't do what he does... He's fairly unethical, impulsive, and violates so many laws in the most nonchalantly ways possible. What would those at CADMUS say if they saw such a thing from me? What would my mother say...?"

"Hey, hey, HEY! You're SUPERMAN. You can set your own rules, kid. Who needs the approval of parents and government workers? I ain't tellin' ya to drag race through the city or punch a guy out for stepping to you. Just puff your chest out and show everyone that you're the man. Use all of the advice I've given you and what you've learned from the movies. Be smug, act cocky, flaunt your powers, but most importantly - speak with pure confidence. Talk like everything that comes out of your mouth is factually correct and cool. You get what I'm putting down here, kid?" Rex questions after elaborating on his suggestion.

"You want me to put on an act." The clone stoically clarifies.

"Hey, most people, especially celebrities, put on an act. It's not like you'd be lying or anything, you know? You do think you're a pretty tough guy, right?"

"I know I am." Connor answers firmly.

"And you're pretty confident you can take anyone in a fight, right?"


"And you're a cool dude, ain't cha'?" Rex jabs another question at the kryptonian, smirking all the while.

"Cooler than the dark side of the moon, Jack." Superman responds while idly adjusting his leather jacket. A display that reassures Rex even further.

"See? See! I'm only helping you embrace those quality traits of yours. You got this, kid. Now, I've actually managed to set you up with an interview today. As soon as my daughter gets back from her jog, we'll head on out."

"Oh, you have a daughter? Never took you for a family man." Connor comments.

"I know I'm a guy who's always busy and constantly getting in way over his head, but I do love my darling girl. Her name's Roxy. You know, I think she'll take a liking to you, too, kid."

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