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"A cube? Like. . . a magical cube or something?" Hal questions just after the female kryptonian informs them of the crucial object she lost track of, proceeding to start scanning his eyes over the city streets and rooftops in search of it. Following his lead, Dr.Kent begins searching for it, as well.

"A close enough description. It's bright, shiny, and square. Keep your eyes open for something that fits those aspects." She advises whilst Martian Manhunter and Connor also lend their eyes to help search for the cube. Unfortunately, time wasn't on their side. Dr.Kent knew this quite well, but was prepared for the inevitable confrontation. It was why her efforts were rather halfhearted compared to the rest. Surely enough, she hears a strong turbulence in the wind - one growing louder as it closes in. Her eyes soon lay upon Shazam flying at their position with animosity distorting his features.
"Don't be too alarmed, but we have incoming company. I can handle it, so please keep your focus on searching for the cube." She instructs.

"Wait, wha--" Before the Green Lantern could pry for details, the crimson caped heroine abruptly takes off and shatters the sound barrier upon her departure. She didn't move too far, however. Just a little over 100 yards away to meet the heir of the Olympian God's gifts within a clash that booms with an echo that draws the attention of everyone, ally or adversary, to their meeting. It was a stalemate that develops into a struggle between two imposing forces -- forearms serving as weapons as the two push against one another, both refusing to give an inch.

"Hello, Billie. That is your name, right? Perhaps at least somewhat similar to it?" Dr.Kent asks calmly, staring into a pair of negative red eyes that were previously a shade of ocean blue. While her pronunciation of the boy beneath the frame of a Deity was correct, she was only vaguely aware due to her past life back on her original Earth. This wasn't Billie Batson, but instead Billy Batson -- a male counterpart to the young girl she once knew.

"ecnahc a dnats t'nod ouY!" The lad barks at her in response.

"Good talk, Billie." Without warning, she suddenly gives way to Shazam's pushing slips out of the way to allow him to pass by. At his flank and before he could fully turn to face her once more, she snags up his silver cape and uses it to throw him with all of her might down at the building beneath them. The corrupted hero goes crashing through the roof like a bolt of lightning and makes a impactful landing upon his back. Just as he was pushing himself up, glaring in frustration, Superwoman comes diving down to stomp him into a crater. The building quakes and the foundation already threatens to collapse, but she's relentless, decisive, and swift. She steps off to place her red boots on solid ground at either side of his waist before reaching down to grab a fistful of his shirt and lift him just a bit above her head. Cold and stoically, Superwoman delivers a powerful blow between his eyes that could be heard yards, then another. And another. Then, one to the gut before slightly throwing him up while releasing her grip, a setup to throwing a swift hard jab at his chest that sends him crashing through the wall and through a dozen more eastablishments of the down town district they were in. The turned hero ends up colliding with a car that smashes into the face of the building it was parked in front of. Groaning, Shazam makes the attempt to rise up from his sitting position while rubbing at the back of his head. But the ruthless femme kryptonian is already on him once again. She descends from above with a car in her possession and slams it down upon him like a hammer.
tremendous force behind her attack causes the vehicle to immediately explode. Amongst the fire of a burning wreckage and accumulating smoke, she stands unfazed over the grimacing hero-turned-minion of darkness. She stares down at him momentarily, gauging his threat level. However, the sound of boots meeting a solid surface nearby draws her attention. She turns her head to see Wonder Woman standing on the rooftop of a short building nearby, looking upon her with battle-ready eyes. A sword and shield in hand. A sight Superwoman couldn't help but to arch a brow at.

Meanwhile, Connor, Martian Manhunter, and Hal Jordan were preoccupied in a fight with Hawkgirl and John Stewart. Or rather, the Martian and Green Lantern were while Superboy continues his search.

"Where could it be?" The kryptonian youth murmurs to himself as he uses the aid of his x-ray vision when his normal vision wasn't producing any fruit. He does so actually spot the cube in question behind an IHOP sign, but he also sees her. Approaching and picking up the glowing cube at her feet. With widening eyes, Superman moves with haste to fly through the 'O' of the sign to stop her.
"No you don't!" He declares. But too late, he is. Before his extending hand could make contact with the cube, she lifts a free hand of her own and blasts him away with a hydroblast of black liquid that pushes him back into the sky. Quick to adjust her target, she makes use of the cube's amplifying capability to blast Hal Jordan and Martian Manhunter, reverting them back to slaves of her will. All while Superman whipes at his face and spits out the bit of onyx liquid that got in his mouth. When he looks up, he sees the four moving in to surround him. Though taken aback by the sudden shift in tide, he puts his fists up. Ready for another fight.
"All I need is to make contact with each of them once... Then, I'll get the cube." He reasons with himself, cyan pupils alternating between the four.
Even so, he wasn't quite alone. Moving within a yellow blur, Sentry returns to give the artificial youth a hand - and he starts by swiping the cube out of the primary foe's grasp, and heads up 20 feet afterwards.

"Don't worry, I'm here now."

"Sentry!" Superman exclaims. Within an instant the four turn to go after the foreign hero instead. Hawkgirl is the first to lounge at him, then Martian Hunter behind her- both of which Sentry rather effortless knocks away and down to the streets with two blows. Just as the lanterns were approaching to take their turn with constructs, the blonde makes the decision to toss the cube over to the clone.

"Catch!" And sure enough, Connor did so. Unaware of the incoming presence however, he was suddenly sent violently rocketing into a building down below by a punch from Captain Atom. During, the cube eventually hits the pavement below and bounces near the sidewalk. Superman's returned assailant touches down to retrieve the item of interest, though just as he slightly bends over, a flash of black suddenly appears in his line of view and obscures the cube. A hand grips the back of his head and pulls him down. Simultaneously, a knee clad in black lifts with a powerful thrust to meet his face halfway, delivering a harsh blow that rocks him. With glaring red eyes, Superwoman follows up her attack with a jab that sends him rocketing away and toward the other side of the planet like a sniper round, leaving destruction in his wake during his trip. It was then Connor pushes debris from atop of himself and steps back out onto the sidewalk.

"What just happened?" He asks, looking upon her with a confused gaze.

"No time to explain, Superman. Keep this safe for now." She instructs him, picking up the cube and tossing it to him. As soon as it left her palm, another surprise attack comes from left field. This time, it was Shazam flying at her at breakneck speed and spearing her miles away through countless buildings.

"DR.KENT!!" Superman shouts in concern, but the roaring from an approaching Wonder Woman reminds him that he doesn't have the luxury of standing around and worrying about others.

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