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[Today they've decided to run some tests on me in order to gauge my capabilities. I'm just as curious, honestly. I just wonder what sort of scaling will be used to deduce such measurements. ] 

"You may begin, Subject 13." A male informs the artificial youth, standing at a fair distance along other scientists within the lab. There had to be at least a dozen of them on this endeavor; busy bodies in lab coats managing whatever task they were assigned. Most of them have their eyes locked onto a screen.

The lad clad in black approaches the weight device before him. There's a small delay before he finally proceeds with the trial and crouches, delving his fingers underneath the rim of the pillar-like structure to get a sturdy grip. Then, he lifts while rising to stand with a straight posture. No apparent struggle as he raises and holds the device over his head, stepping up onto the short pedestal that previously supported it. Arms outstretched and parallel.

"Excellent. The subject is handling the 7% mark quite well. Elevate it to 17%."  The same man requests of his peer responsible for the control panel of the weight machine. 

"17 it is, Dr. Welkon." Dr. Kent obliges kindly, using sharp precision in turning the dial up to the requested amount. Personally, she was more curious about the 70% mark, believing anything below was child's play for someone of the clone's caliber. After all, they were dealing with a kryptonian hybrid.

[ I can hear the clicks of the dial as that peculiar woman turns it. I feel no change at all. It leaves me wondering if there was slow development during the adjustments, or if there's a malfunction of some kind. ]

"Good, good. No visible change." Dr. Welkon observes, tapping away with a single hand at the touch-pad within his possession like a mobile keyboard.

"47% now, Dr. Kent."

"M'hmm." Again, the dial is turned to the right. The clone's expression changes by the time she finishes. Confusion being the emotion written across his boyish features; a brow raised as he looks up to study the mechanical pillar.

[ Did…. It actually change this time? It feels slightly different. Heavy? No, not at all. Not yet. ]

"How are you holding up, Subject 13? Feeling any pressure yet?" Welkon asks, briefly looking up to await an answer.

"Not quite. I thought maybe there was a small notable change, but I find myself skeptical of that assessment now. Can you possibly double the output, doctor?" The clone responds stoically. Welkon blinks with surprise, while Dr. Kent herself grins at his answer.

"...Very well. Ms. Kent, your call. Feel free to oblige the subject as much as you deem fit."

"I certainly will. Don't let us down, Superboy." She teases with a soft chuckle, now beginning to turn the dial at her leisure. 49%, 54%, 59%...

No visible change from the subject.

63%, 67%, 69%...

The clone's expression shifts again. From pondering to solemn concentration. His elbows and knees momentarily bend from the pressure, but all it takes is a fair amount of effort in pushing against the weight to straighten out his limbs again.

"Still going strong over there?" Dr. Kent asks while peering over her shoulder. She receives a swift and firm answer from the clone.

"Yes. More." He demands instinctively. Nonetheless, she provides what he seeks. She resumes turning the dial. 72%, 75%, 79%, 81%, 82%, 83%, 84%...

"This is… This is nothing. Keep going." The artificial young man presses, an obvious straining behind his voice.

[ It has definitely become a task to keep this thing high above my head. I'm not worried, only determined. This isn't my limit… It's growing difficult, but this machine won't beat me. I will not allow it. ]

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