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"--Hold a moment. Let me remedy that for you." The elder gentleman in radiant white offers as reaches down to place his palm over the clone's temple. Connor, finding himself at the mercy of the peculiar stranger, shuts his eyes as that very hand lowers over him. He didn't know what to expect, but he was too ill to do anything about it. Just breathing alone took some level of focus to do. Fortunately, the stranger's intent proves to be genuine; a bright shine of platinum light immediately produces underneath the stranger's hand and heals the young man's ailments away. The discoloration around Connor's eye begins reversing back to normal, his pain and bruises take their sudden leave, fatigueness fades from his body, and his strength returns in all of its entirety.

Relieved of immense strain, the Kryptonian's eyes shoot wide open as he exhales with newfound energy.

"It's... it's gone." The young man softly comments just before pushing himself up onto his knees. He examines himself, palms and all. Bawling them into fists and re-opening them as if testing his sense of feeling. He felt good as new, and the toothy grin taking form across his youthful handsome face was evidence of that.

"See, isn't that better?" Superman's savior inquires with similar delight bearing upon his aged and bearded face. 

"Yes! Yes, actually. I feel like I could run laps around the entire world and lift Mount Everest with absolute ease." Came Connor's enthusiastic response as his cyan eyes shift toward the other.

"That's wonderful to know, my young friend. I thought the little added boost of solar energy would help." 

"Thank you. Whatever you did, thank you. It was painful just breathing beforehand." Connor responds with a tone of gratitude. Now that he wasn't on the verge of passing out, he has and makes use of his mental capacity to examine the other more attentively. Hair of white, broad and strong in build, blue eyes, black facial hair, and a head of silver hair. Most curious though is the identical great bold 'S' adorning his stainless radiant attire of platinum and gold. That specific detail is what wipes the grin off Connor's face and replaces it with a solemn frown.

"...Who are you?" He asks again.

"Just as I said, Connor. I am your salvation." The older male repeats calmly. 

The answer makes the clone stare questioningly.

"How do you know that's my name?"

"I know all that has and shall transpire across this side of the multi-verse. Well... usually. Usually I am fully aware of the beginnings, middles, and endings. Your Earth's future is cloudy. Tainted by a force that does not belong upon it." 

"What? You claim to have omnipresence? How can you possibly–" Before Connor can finish those words, the other cuts in with calm sharpness. 

"Ask of me three deeds you believe to be impossible and I shall perish your doubts. Then, you shall know my words are always true." Such bold certainty catches the clone off guard, nearly leaving him speechless. However, he was embedded with logic. Doubting the unthinkable was in his artificial nature.

The clone takes a moment to study their surroundings, finally realizing they were sitting in the middle of the street of what appears to be a ghost town - one that greatly resembles Metropolis City. Sunny out, but yet silent and lifeless. Just as Connor stands, the elder of the two does the same. One standing at 5'11, and the other at 6'5.

After thinking on it for a moment, the clone had his first deed in mind.

"Change the day to night."

"And so I shall." With those words, the taller of the two simply lifts his right and snaps his fingers. At his whim, the light shining down shifts to shrouding darkness. From above, the moon now sits and illuminates the near pitch darkness. Even the detailing red of Connor's suit was glowing, indicating that the night surrounding was real.

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