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Typically, sitting around for a couple of days and indulging in excessive hours of media back-to-back would have noticeable repercussions on any normal person. But when it comes to kryptonians? Connor & Joel were prime examples of transcending that norm. Outwardly, they remained as kept together before starting their marathon. You wouldn't have been able to guess they sat on that sofa for over 52 hours watching TV. However, inwardly – particularly their minds - a contemplative process was taking place. As the Robocop 3 film proceeds to roll credits, the new Superman finally shuts the television off with the push of the remote he picked up from the cushion beside him.

"Okay... We've watched everything I came home with and even some movies playing on cable. I think I've done enough research now." Connor muses as he leans back into his seat, his right hand taking position near his face to cradle and stroke his chin.

"It was... quite the endeavor, I'll say. I think I've managed to pick up on things, too. I especially liked a few of the terms frequently used, as well as the juvenile fashion presented in a lot of the films! Very callous and free spirited. Warm, too. Groovy just rolls off the tongue so welcomingly. An endearing phrase of approval, I must say!" Joel comments enthusiastically. She takes a moment to process things, as well. Brushing a hand through her raven locks as she does.

"I agree. Some things stood out to me, as well. Particularly the self-grooming of the more brash characters. I wonder if people truly carry a comb with them everywhere they go...? Aside from that, I have strongly taken a major liking to the Leather Jackets™ they wore. I think I want one..." Connor shares his key fascinations in turn, and even goes on a bit further after a small pause.

"The term righteous stood out to me. It's odd they almost never use the word appropriately, but they say it with such certainty and delight. Well, I suppose good news and favorable outcomes could be considered subjective just. I must admit, it's my favored expression of approval nonetheless."

"Interesting! Tell me, what did you think of the maternal relationship between the protagonist and his mother from the movie series Johnny And The Boys? Seemed like a very compassionate bond between the two, don't you think?"

"That? Hmm... Well, it made me think of you every time it came up. More specifically, it made me wonder if having a connection like theirs would ever be possible between the two of us." The clone answers.

"Yes, yes! Same with me! It made me think of my old home, and of you. I never gave it genuine thought before, likely because I had no true idea of what it would be like, but I'd love to have that sort of bond with a son. With you, Connor." Joel informs with a smile. Caught off guard, the artificial young man stares for a moment. He nods gently.

"I'd like that, too."

"Wonderful." She comments, rising to stand right after catching a glimpse at the clock hanging above the TV.

"For now, I've got to start preparing for work. My off days are long gone after that sit down."

"I see. I actually should be going myself. I promised to meet Mr. Leech near the mall today, and it's nearing the appointed time he set." The kryptonian responds, also raising from the sofa, already heading toward to the exit to depart from the apartment."

Wait. Before you go–" Joel calls out to stop the youth in his tracks. He does indeed stop. Turning in place to see Dr. Kent approaching him.

She hooks her arms between his pair, pressing into him with a cheek-to-cheek embrace. One he obliges with an embrace of his own after a bit of hesitation.

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