#3 ( Co-written)

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[ Sentry's Perspective ]

[ Sentry's Perspective ]

Darkness overtook him. This wasn't something uncommon for Robert Reynolds. Better known as the "Sentry". He had died many times before hand.

But this time was different. There was no light at the tunnel this time. No white room. No resurrection. Just darkness. Where he to go? Heaven? Hell? No where?

These thoughts plagued his very essence. As his soul now, stagnant within the empty abyss surrounding him.

Fear began to creep in. But his fear was alleviated. When Bob's soul was pulled. Moving to some unknown direction. He couldn't tell up from down. But he knew he was moving. But to where? He would have to wait and find out.

Everything starting form around him. He saw the sky, a beautiful blue sky. Some clouds and the sun light beaming down on him.

His eye lids flickered open and closed under the light. He placed his hand over his eyes.

"What?" He muttered. He awoke on the ground of some field. Maybe a city park. Bob clenched his forehead. Slowly getting up from off the ground.

Bob was still wearing his costume. He looked around. It was very tranquil and seemingly peaceful. He could hear children playing. People talking with one another.

Bob looked up noticing a bunch of new of skyscrapers. How long was he gone for? Which city was he in?

He cautiously wandered his way through the pastured area. Eventually ending up up onto the sidewalk.

Bob was given odd looks by various passing on lookers. Until a group of children ran up to him.

"Sir! Are you a super hero?" One child asked.

Bob looked around. Before shrugging. Nodding his head. "Ah, yes. My name is "The Sentry". He responded. Placing his fists onto his hips. Perform the traditional "super hero pose".

"The Sentry?" The child tilted his head to the side. As the other children began muttering his name with some confusion.

"Who?" They inquired. "Are you related to Superman? Because you have his "S"." One child pointed at Sentry's symbol on his belt.

"Who?" Bob raised a brow. He paused looking around. Seeing a sign in the distance. The city's name was called "Metropolis".

"Where am I?" He asked himself. He turned to the kids. Giving the kids a two finger salute to them. "Excuse me. Image to leave. It was nice meeting you kids. Stay safe. Ah, listen to your parents." Bob said.

Floating upward. And then vanishing into the sky.

"Woah!" The kids cheered. As sentry flew away.

Trying to figure out what was happening and where was he? Shouldn't he be dead? Where was he. This world felt cleaner than the world he knew.

He used his super hearing and vision. As he began observing this new world. He didn't see any of the people he knew. But other super people.

Who was this Superman guy? And maybe, he would help him figure out what was happening.


[ SUPERMAN's Perspective ]

The Sentry didn't need to go too far at all for clues;

"GUUAAAAHHHH!" A cry of pain sounds out through the great blue sky, and just nearby, a figure in stylish skin-tight black is sent propelling skyward after taking a blow. Following that individual upward are two assailants. An android and a man giving off a radiant green aura. The robotic individual takes the lead by increasing the burst of the rockets built into his feet, colliding into the young man who had JUST recovered and stabilized his flight. Said youth reacted just in time to catch his adversary's large fists within the palm or his hands, putting forth a struggle. Maybe a vain one. The androids chest opens like a mechanical door and reveals its cancerous content inside. A chunk of a glowing emerald rock, shining in the artificial teens face. He could feel it. The nauseous ill-feeling eating at him, muscles losing firmness, and his strength depleting almost rapidly. He had to grit his teeth and fight through it. After all, his life was on the line.

Tales From Superboy! (Discontinued)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang