Heather's Visit

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In the days to follow the others had mixed feelings about me. Snotlout was talking to me again, but only barely. The twins were the twins and kept causing trouble for Snotlout. Fishleg seemed down whenever we spent time together, but he enjoyed studying River and learning everything about her. Astrid was back on her warpath and scowled at me whenever she saw me. Hiccup and Toothless had become more cautious around me. They tried not to change their behaviour, but I could tell. I had broken everybody's trust by not hating Viggo and I'd have to make it up to them somehow.

One morning as I was out hunting with River, she suddenly became really alert.

"What's wrong, girl?" I asked as we both looked around. When she started growling I really started to worry about her.
"C'mon, let's go check it out."

I got on River's back and flew into the air. Hiccup had made a saddle and suit for us so it would be easier for me to fly with her while still being comfortable for both of us. We got in the air and went straight for camp.

As we got closer to camp I saw something approaching. It looked like a dragon, although it wasn't one I had seen before. We got in closer and I knew it had spotted us when it hovered for a second before going for a dive.

We dove down with it and landed just behind the stables. From here we should be impossible to see.

"Heather, how good to see you! How've you been?" Hiccup immediately greeted the stranger. If hiccup knows her and is this friendly she's most likely not a threat, but I'd have to reserve judgment and stay hidden until I was sure.

"Hiccup, it's good to see all of you but before we talk I think there's something you should know. I saw something on my way here." She sounded concerned but sweet.

"Viggo's ships?" Astrid asked.

"Hi, Astrid. I wish it was just ships, Windshear and I would be able to take them instantly. No, this.. I'm not even sure what I saw. But.. It looked like a Speed Stinger with wings. You guys should be careful. If they've evolved to have flight, I don't wanna think about the trouble it could cause all over the Archipelago."

"Okay, she's obviously worried about their safety. What do you say we go introduce ourselves?" I asked and River squawked in excitement.

I jumped off River's back, took her saddle off and she ran off ahead of me. I was struggling to keep up as I was scrambling around with my suit on. River ran straight for the stranger and her dragon.

"Speed Stinger! Windshear! Heather yelled and I heard a metallic sound.

"Whoa, wait! Don't attack! She's friendly." Hiccup explained.

"Friendly? When did you guys train a Speed Stinger?"

"They didn't." I answered as I walked into view. I couldn't see much other than my feet, so I only took a few steps forward before putting everything on the ground.
"I trained her."

"Whoah, since when has there been two of you?" Snotlout asked as he approached us. He seemed dazed. I guess I shouldn't be surprised since the twins were following right behind him with huge grins on their faces.

"Snotlout.." hiccup sighed and shook his head.
"It's Heather who's come to visit. What did you two do to him?"

"Nothing. It's not our fault he can't handle the boar pit." Ruffnut explained.

"Yeah. You should've seen it Hiccup. The boars. The terror. It was a masterpiece!" Tuffnut exclaimed immediately after.

After hearing the small group try and explain what happened, I took a closer look at the girl in front of me to try and see why Snotlout would assume we're the same person.

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