'Why on earth are you putting your fingers in its mouth?!' Lizzie shudders at the thought. 'You have to, otherwise you can't get the metal part in.' Hannah chuckles, finishing off a buckle as she grabs the saddle.

She does the girth, then steps out to put on a helmet. She goes to find Tilly, who is warming her horse up in the arena.

'Hey! You finished?' Tilly shouts.

'Yep.' Han says.

'Okay, go get on and come in here for a bit!' Tilly smiles.

Han goes and gets lady, leading her into the arena. She stops in the middle of the arena before checking her girth, Liz videos. She's not a horse mom.

She puts her foot in the stirrup, bouncing on her tip toes three times before hoisting herself up.

'Jesus christ.' Lizzie chuckles. 'How strong is she?' She looks to me and i shrug, smiling as we continue to watch our daughter.

She checks her girth again before gently nudging the horse forward, following Tilly around.

They do about ten minutes of walk and trot before they have a canter each.

Tilly waits in the middle whilst han has her turn.

Hannah tightens her reins, sitting down in the saddle and clicking, asking the horse to canter.

She manages to get it into canter, getting a lap and a half in before stopping.

She laughs with excitement.

'Wow it has been a while since i've done that!' She chuckles and lets Tilly have one more turn.

They have another turn each, Han doing a twenty meter circle in canter which made lizzie worried, but we got through it.

'Right you ready to go?' Tilly asks and we nod, heading out onto a trail. We walk along the trials until they get to an open field.

'Wait here, Tilly wants to trot around the field.' Han says. 'Be careful!' Lizzie says with a smile as we stay stood where we were told.

We watch as they trot around the field a few times, having a canter along one of the sides. Lizzie videos constantly, she's very excited about the horse thing.

'Mom can we gallop?' Han asks as she walks up to me. 'I mean if you want to go for it, just be careful.' I say sternly.

Her and Tilly smirk at each other, Trotting back off to the top end of the field.

They halt side by side.

'You ready?' Tilly shouts.

'Yeah! Go!' I shout back,

We watch as they sit up and sit forward, racing to the other end of the field. Hannah has one hand on the reins, the other one in the air as both the girls cheer.

'Oh my god she's literally fearless.' Lizzie gulps. She hates adrenaline so this will be terrifying her.

Hannah wins, getting to the end first.

We listen as they laugh, gasping at how fast they both went.

They trot back up to us.

'One more then we'll slow down.' Hannah says breathlessly. 'Good because i think lizzie will pass out if you don't slow down soon.' I chuckle.

'We're okay! Don't worry.' She shouts as she trots back off with Tilly, both of them lining up side by side as they set off again.

They pick up speed instantly, hannah's horse bucking to the side with excitement, Liz's heart in her throat as we watch han wobble to the side a little. She manages to sit it well though, she puts both hands on the reins and steers the horse in a straight line, kicking its sides gently to put it back in order. Tilly wins, but only because hannah's horse was messing around.

'Oh my god are you okay?' Lizzie asks. 'Yeah why wouldn't i be?' She asks with a huge grin on her face.

'Dude that was so cool! How did you sit that?!' Tilly says as she stands her horse next to Hannah's. 'I have no idea man, i just kinda winged it.' Han chuckles.

They both laugh as they reminisce, giggling at how hannah almost fell, lizzie isn't so amused.

We start the ride back home, another half an hour and we're back at the barn.

Hannah untacks, sponging her horse off because it's sweaty.

'Here!' Tilly calls han over and she runs off. I'm assuming they're exchanging numbers.

'That was terrifying!' Liz says. 'It was so awesome to watch though!' I say excitedly.
'True, but terrifying.' Lizzie says.

Han finishes up, we say bye to Tilly and head back home.

Lizzie sends hannah the photos and she posts them on instagram.

Lizzie sends hannah the photos and she posts them on instagram

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hannahjohansson: never missed anything more! (besides my mom. 🥲)

cobiesmulders: woah!!

chrisevans: bet lizzie was terrified.
elizabetholsen: can it evans.

tillyjohnson: it was a great day! see u soon <3.

load 30,000+ comments

Han tells the twins about it, showing them the photos and videos. 'That sounds so fun!' MK grins.

'It was, i'd die to do it all day.' Han says as she puts her rubbish in the bin.

We settle down, ending the night with a movie, inside out.

Hannah decides to stay in her own room tonight, so me and the girls say goodnight to her.

Me and Liz clean up downstairs before heading to bed ourselves, happy with how the day turned out.