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"okay so what about this?" i looked up from my phone seeing the outfit lori came out with

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"okay so what about this?" i looked up from my phone seeing the outfit lori came out with.

i looked at her for a second before looking over at fatfat. "hmm..whatchu think?"

"i think it's very very cute." fat smiled.

i shook my head. "i don't is kinda chilly out them shorts would do you no justice."

"ugh you right." she stressed before pointing at fatfat. "thank you tho."

she walked back into the closet. "he shoulda at least gave you a lil hint to where y'all was going so you'd know what to wear." i told her.

"exactly." she agreed. "you know he a lil slow."

"tuh, mas que un poco.." i mumbled scrolling through my instagram feed seeing all this super bowl stuff.

translate: more than a little

"rihanna looked sooo good." i complimented watching her performance all over my feed. "isn't she cute.." i showed to fat who was already looking on my phone.


lori came out the closet closing it. "she did, i guess her special guest was that cake in the oven."

"hol on she's pregnant?" i looked back at the video not even noticing the cute little baby bump "omgggg."

"rico went crazy the eagles lost last night." she said. "he came here mad as hell..and broke as hell."

"oh yeah he did bet with woe." i nodded.

"speaking of woe.." she eyed me walking over to her bed climbing on it with me and fatfat. "did y'all talk since that day?"

"not really.." i frowned. "it doesn't bother me tho. it is what it is." i shrugged.

"doesn't bother you? shit would've bothered me. it's not awkward when y'all around each other?"

𝐈𝐍𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇 𝐀 𝐌𝐀𝐍𝐈𝐀𝐂 2 ™Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora