CHAPTER 22 : We meet Again.

Start from the beginning

"By the way, why are you here?"

"Ian wanted to buy some batman stuff while I needed to get some snacks for him."

"Great! I too need some. All day, those kids just eats my head off." I laughed while she busied herself in buying stuffs.

After paying the bills she asked if we were returning back but Ian shook his head not letting me answer her question. He pulled me with all the force that little body of his had.

"I want to have pizza and ice cream and some candies!" I rolled my eyes.

"You know they could've joined us too."

He shook his head "Nope. Nope. Only you and me. Ian and Mommy."

This boi.

I took him to have his pizza. We ordered a large pizza because that's what he asked for though we both know he won't be able to have that much. While we were waiting for the pizza he was praising his batman car and after we were served the pizza, he started blabbering about Landon, one who pissed him off at the store slash Julia's brother slash his friend.

"You know he was showing off his superman to me." He took a bite from his pizza while explaining.

I nodded my head.

"I was like come on dude I have batman, he is much better than your superman." Again he stuffed the pizza in his mouth but some cheese and sauce was on his mouth making him cuter.

And let me tell you my son is a die heart fan of batman.

"Batman is so cool Mommy but kids today are just hopeless." His mouth was filled with that pizza he wasn't even able to say it properly but because he was so angry he was just saying and saying and saying.

I nodded again agreeing with him.

He drank the coke.

"I don't want such kids in school too."

I folded my arms over my chest "Jesus Christ! As if you are a grown up."

"I am better than those kiddos, intelligent too."

That's true. He is smart and intelligent. Too smart for his age.

I picked his coke taking a sip from it and passed it back to him. He extended his pizza slice towards me. I took a bite from it.

"But Mommy, why didn't Jade Aunt bring Julia today?" He spoke in a sad tone.

"I'll slap you right now Ian!"

His eyes widened "Slap me?" Then his wide eyes turned to puppy eyes "Me?"

"I'll slap you Ian. Stop trying to flirt with her."

He giggled "But she's really cute."

"Ian." I spoke in a warning tone.

Ignoring me he drank the coke again.

While I was paying for the food, he had his batman car in his hand playing with it. I held his hand walking out of the food store.

"Now we are left with ice-cream and candies." He spoke all excited.

I nodded.

A man bumped into me then walked past me in a hurry making my clutch fall down, I kneeled down to pick my clutch up but when I looked up Ian was just walking lost and a car moving towards his direction I ran to stop him but a car was moving towards him "Ian!" I called him, and he looked back. I tried running close to him but the car just stopped an inch from him. I ran towards Ian "Ian!"

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