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I just glared at Beam who was waiting for me again. This fellow can't take a hint, can he?

He walked towards me, hands in his pockets as usual. Before he could open his mouth, I told him off.

"Stop bothering me. Stop following me. Stop talking to me. I hang out with you because you are Forth's friend. But continue this nonsense of wanting to woo me and I will ensure he cuts you off. Stop harassing me. You aren't who I will and want to date. So fuck off!"

Beam just looked at me in gaping silence. Finally he just uttered, "I wanted to tell you that Forth and Park had to go off first because P Kong was looking for them. Since I was here, they asked me to pass on the message. That's all."

Shit. I just jumped the gun didn't I? But maybe knowing Beam and his never say die attitude, he may just about let it slide and try again.

He just nodded at me and turned to go. But 3 steps later, he turned to look at me and all he said was, "Forth did warn me multiple times. But I didn't listen. I didn't realize that you felt I was harassing you. I'm sorry. I will stay away from you from now on."

With those final words, Beam turned to go. Shit. I blew that spectacularly, didn't I?

Ah fuck. But maybe this was for the better. I made my way to the Dungeon and shortly after the other two boys joined me too. We gamed for a bit and I updated them on what had happened. Forth's mouth just dropped open in shock and he berated me for being so rude. I just rolled my eyes and insisted maybe it was for the better.

We were supposed to meet the boys for dinner. We went there to find Beam and the rest. But Beam consciously avoided me and sat near Forth and chatted with him. He didn't look my way at all and though he didn't say anything and tried to behave like his usual self, it soon dawned on everyone that something was quite not right.

"Dont you always try and flirt with Lam endlessly and fail? You barely did that tonight Beamie."

Pha asked teasingly. Beam just smiled at him but his smile didn't quite reach his eyes.

"Got tired of it. Got tired of chasing. You know me."

"The usual flighty Beam. Luckily Lam escaped!" Pha and Kit teased Beam. Though everyone laughed it off, something about that comment rubbed me the wrong way and I kept glancing at Beam to register his reaction. But he just smiled through it all. Once dinner was over, the boys separated. I saw Beam and Forth talking about something in hushed tones and Beam smacked him before going off.

My bike was next to Beam's car. So I made my way there and asked Beam if he could drop me off as my bike wasn't working. Beam just looked at my bike and me and finally uttered, "No. Sorry. Maybe you should ask Park or Forth to send you home."

I just stared at him speechless. "Why can't you send me home?"

"No.1- I don't know where you stay. You never told me and neither have you shown me. No.2- I'm not sending someone home when hours earlier, they had screamed at me about harassing them. I'm not that cheap, to further cheapen myself. So get home with one of them or by cab. Stay safe."

With that, Beam got into his car and drove off. I was speechless. Stunned to say the least.

And suddenly I found a new found growing respect for this fellow.

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