¶×Chapter 1: Unexpecting Day׶

Start from the beginning

"Oh, because Fang helped me to close my shop yesterday. And he actually pays his food everytime he goes here, unlike you." Tok Aba then crossed his arms looking at Gopal, while Gopal could only whine.

"Besides," Tok Aba continue, making the others look back at him. " He reminds me of one of my grandsons." after he finished, the others just stayed silent not bothering to say a single word.

"YOU HAVE GRANDSONS!?" then the gang yelled.

"Where are they?" Yaya asked. "In an academy." Tok Aba answered.

"What Academy?" Gopal asked next. "I think it was called Novas Academy." Tok Aba then answered again.

"Fang! Don't your brother go in that Academy?" Ying went towards Fang and asked him.

Fang nodded but he didn't speak, and was stunned when heard the Academy. The Gang kept asking questions to Tok Aba when suddenly, the clouds darkened and it started to Thunder. It didn't rain yet but it will be soon.

"I gotta go. My mom must be waiting." he then walked back towards his house when suddenly, something came down from the sky. Making Fang to get thrown back, the others saw and went towards Fang worriedly.

"What the heck was that?" Gopal said while trembling.

The smoke disappeared revealing a very metallic robot, the robot then looked at the Gang and looked at Tok Aba who is still at the counter. The robot point at Tok Aba and said these words...

"Give me all of the Cocoa powder or there'll be consequences."

Tok Aba stood there firmly, not trying to alarm the robot by panic. He tried to calm down and then said No.

The robot thought that he had to do this the hard way. He then charged at Tok Aba with a very fast speed making Tok Aba scream for help.

"TOK ABA!" the Gang yelled

The robot took a sword and...

was stopped?

Fang opened his eyes and saw the robots was getting hold by some black hands that seem to be emerging out of the ground.

"Woah Fang! I didn't know you could do that!" Gopal looked awe.

Fang then realized that it was his doing, and looked at his hands. It has shadows all around it, he then started smiling and said "Finally, I have been waiting for this moment."

He pulled back his hand and the robot was dragged as well, the robot fell down and suddenly got squashed by a giant hand.

"That's amazing! You got your powers Fang, I'm happy for you!" Yaya said making Fang smirk proudly. The happy moment didn't last when the robot came back from the ground, it's still all in great shape meaning that Fang's shadow hand didn't do much.

Fang couldn't react fast and the robot knocked Fang to a nearby tree, he was trying to stay conscious so he can still protect his friend but he was too weak to move or attack back.

"FANG!" they shouted.

The robot grabbed Fang by his neck and hold him up high while strangling him, "You should've have not got in my way, boy! Yet you chose death!"the robot then took a laser sword and was about to slash Fang..

"MIGHTY..PUNCH!" the robot got flinged back by a sudden strong punch, "Y-Yaya?" Fang said weakly.

"Fang are you ok?" Yaya said worriedly as she kneeled down beside Fang.

Life changing of the Academy (A Fanfiction AU)Where stories live. Discover now