9. Passing Ships in the Night (2)

Start from the beginning

Sensing the dimming atmosphere Olivia spoke up smiling awkwardly, "....Layton, are you sure you can't join us?"

"I already agreed to travel here with you, didn't I?" He answered in a straightforward tone, that if they didn't know him well enough, would have come off as rude. "I'm here on business, and it would be inconvenient to tire out 2 horses when we're making the same journey."

"But..." Olivia withheld a frown and forced herself to perk up. "Can't you delay for a while? I just thought that if we're all here together, we could maybe spend some time-"

"If there is work to be done, we should let him be. It's clearly important." Arabella shrugged, feeling a little awkward for speaking up after so long.

Olivia's brows furrowed slightly, though Layton seemed to relax a little at Arabella's defence, if not the slightest bit surprised that she spoke up at all. Olivia sighed, not one to make her grievances known and sat back slightly with a slight pout, "Then I suppose we'll just have to keep ourselves busy then, won't we..." She shook away whatever she was thinking before returning to her usual expression and turning to Layton. "Be sure to treat the stowaway with some compassion then, brother. I overheard that he was young."

Arabella sat up slightly at that mention. A stowaway? On a Lockhart Ship? Bizarre but very bold. Anyone would know one of their ships by appearance alone, if it were her she would attempt to do so with a much less prominent ship. Knowing her brother though, there would be no use in talking your way out of that situation.

"I'm not in the mood for compassion, let alone for a boy I do not know," Layton spoke bluntly but earnestly. "The law is the law. Breaking the law makes you a criminal. What example would I be setting, letting him go?"

At his words, Arabella suddenly found herself reminiscing back to her brother defending her when there was no evidence at all to prove her innocent. He insisted she was not a criminal. For someone so hellbent on following the rules and needing proof, it seems even his judgment can be clouded. She huffed but smiled in amusement. That poor stowaway would not receive the same benefit of the doubt.

"How about this one?"

"I've already learnt it."

"And this piece?"

"I have it practically memorised."

Surrounded by all kinds of sheet music in the store, both girls tilted their heads in unison with their eyes fixed on the shelves. Arabella had failed to realise that going back in time would consequently amount to a plethora of unwritten compositions that would be out of her reach for years to come. And even if she had their music memorised to muscle memory, she had no intention of stealing the work of such brilliant artists to call her own should someone overhear her.

With a resigned sigh, Arabella placed the music back on the shelf.  At the gesture, Olivia followed suit and did the same with the songbook she was perusing, opting instead to turn to her younger sister with a curious smile, "I often hear you practice in the parlour, but I did not know you were so... thorough with your studies, Arabella." She tapped her finger absentmindedly on the shelf. "I remember my governess badgering me to learn the violin."

Arabella scoffed lightly, "Yes, I remember you did scare her away when you finally succumbed to her requests..."

Arabella quickly bit her tongue. Was that comment too harsh? Things had been going fairly well until then and... It would be a shame to ruin it like she always did. But Olivia's snort of amusement relieved her worries and she allowed herself to join in, covering her mouth to disguise her quiet chuckle.

Olivia beamed wide from ear to ear, "I was terrible, wasn't I? You were the only one to admit it right to my face. I threw such a fit after that." She shook her head at the memory. "Father and Layton were too scared of hurting my feelings, but I needed to hear it. If not I wouldn't have discovered my talent for painting instead."

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