Paying Attention ~ Kurtbastian (Glee) Part 3

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Sebastian wound up falling asleep as well until he was awoken suddenly by Kurt trying to get out of his grip.

"Kurt," he mumbled sleepily. "S'okay."

"No! I have to get home." He continued to struggle. "I'm gonna be late for dinner and...and-"

Suddenly, Sebastian understood Kurt's worry and immediately let go. "Sorry, I didn't realize..."

"I know." Kurt sighed, pausing for a second once he stood up. "I just- I need to get home."

"Right." He got up. "I'll drive you home. Let me just get my wallet and keys, and we'll go."

Kurt, knowing Sebastian wouldn't let him walk and that getting a ride would get him home quicker, didn't argue. He nodded and waited for the other boy.

Once Sebastian got what he needed, they both left his room and went to the front door to put their shoes on. Sebastian locked the door behind him, and they rushed to the car.

It was a quiet drive to Kurt's house, except for Kurt speaking to give Sebastian directions. Sebastian didn't know what to say to the boy in the passenger's seat, but he noticed Kurt's worry and that he kept biting his lip.

Is he that scared of his father? Sebastian wondered to himself but didn't dare ask out loud.

Once they got to the Hummel house, Kurt's breath hitched at the sight of his dad's car. Kurt knew his dad would be home because he's always home early the same day each week. But actually seeing proof of it made him nervous regardless.

He opened the car door, picking up his bag in the process, and paused. "Thank you, Sebastian."

The boy mentioned knew he meant for more than just the ride home. "Of course." He then rubbed the back of his neck. "And uh, call me...if you need to talk."

They had exchanged phone numbers when they got to Sebastian's house.

"I'll keep that in mind."

He shut the door and sped to the front door of the house. Sebastian waited until Kurt was inside to leave.

Upon entering the house, Kurt shut the door and locked it as quietly as he could, hoping he could avoid his father for a few more minutes.

Apparently, he wasn't quiet enough because Burt's voice boomed from the living room, "Do you know what time it is, Kurt?"

Keeping his messenger bag in hand, he trudged into the living room. "I'm sorry. I was out. And my phone died, so I lost track of the time," he lied. He felt his hands start trembling. "I just need to put my bag down before I start dinner."

His father grunted in response, and Kurt fled the room. He was quick to put his bag in his room and take a breather. He had a passing thought to call Sebastian, but several reasons stopped him.

He didn't want to worry the boy, especially since they only met officially today.

He didn't want to become reliant on someone—needing someone to take care of him. He had always been independent and didn't plan on changing that anytime soon.

He also just didn't have the time right now. He needed to get back upstairs to go make dinner for him and his dad.

And he couldn't talk while he made dinner because his dad would hear and start asking questions, which could lead to him getting upset over a variety of factors.

It was just better, Kurt decided, to leave Sebastian alone for the time being and get on with the rest of his day.

As he moved around the kitchen, he got lost in his thoughts. He wondered if Sebastian would start talking to him in school. They've exchanged some words in passing and worked together on group assignments before. But that's about it. Neither reached out to the other and not really for any particular reason. But then he thought that Kurt could be the one to start a conversation. It didn't have to be Sebastian to make the first move. But Kurt would feel like a burden if he gave in first. Perhaps, he'd just see how things played out.

Before Kurt knew it, dinner was ready. He set the table and called out to his dad. He heard him get up and waited for him to sit at the head of the table. Once he settled in, Kurt sat and served both of them.

It was quiet and awkward, as their dinners usually are. Burt couldn't be bothered to ask about school, and Kurt didn't have anything interesting to offer up anyway. And if something exciting had happened, it wouldn't be exciting to his father, considering it would most likely have to do with the glee club.

When Kurt had started his sophomore year, his dad insisted that Kurt should join a team. Both knew that Burt meant a sports team. But Kurt isn't into sports, and he decided to join the newly led glee club. He visited his father at the auto shop after school that day to share the good news. His dad was not amused and told Kurt that he expected him to try out for football or basketball or literally any sport, not some measly club to sing out feelings.

Since then, Kurt stopped sharing information regarding the New Directions. He did mention the first competition they went to, but Burt just scoffed. And Kurt never tried inviting him after that.

Kurt would insist that it was fine. He didn't need his dad to be there. Competitions were long, and in the beginning, the New Directions weren't even winning. Secretly, it hurt. Any child would be upset by the lack of their parents' presence at important events. But Kurt insisted that he was used to it, and at least he had his friends to enjoy it with.

Although, his friends were another issue altogether. If it weren't for the glee club, he wouldn't talk to any of them, considering he was ignored or bashed by them before they all joined the club. He puts up with their subtle bullying because he doesn't want to admit to himself that he doesn't have any real friends.

But maybe Sebastian could be a real friend. But Kurt didn't want to get ahead of himself and get his hopes up. Kurt, by the end of the night, wound up convincing himself that Sebastian only helped because he felt he had to. He doesn't care about Kurt. And tomorrow, it'll be like today's events never happened.

With his self-esteem as low as ever, Kurt fell asleep thinking about Sebastian and how nice it would be to have him as a friend.

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