Chapter 13 - The Senior Prom

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This story was so fun to write! Anyway, I got some ideas for this chapter, as well as the picture (which I slightly altered), at this website: Apparently, it was a rather awkward and boring prom night. The prom night in the following chapter will be different. More hoppin'.

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June 13th, 1953 - Saturday

"Annie, Elvis is gonna be here any minute! I hope you're ready!"


Both my mother and I were nervous about this, my first and last prom night. Well, I went to that formal dance with Sally my sophomore year, but I didn't count that. For this one, I actually had a date who was my boyfriend of exactly two weeks. Two weeks, three hours and twenty-four minutes to be exact.

Hey, what could I say? I was pretty obsessed with the guy.

I stepped back and took a look at myself in the mirror. I had just gotten back from the beauty salon who did my makeup and my hair. Also, while I was gone, my prom dress was delivered by Elvis's parents Gladys and Vernon. They both were in the living room with my parents as they waited for me to come out and for Elvis to show up. All four of them would go camera-happy when Elvis arrived.

The salon and dress was bought by Elvis with money he saved from a previous job, and the dress was a beautiful shade of baby pink. It poofed out at the waist and had a line of pink roses going up the skirt to my left shoulder. It was the most beautiful dress that I had ever worn, and the heels were the same color as the dress. Elvis was successful in what he wanted... I felt like a princess.

"Golly gee..." I awed as I stared at myself. "I never knew I could look like this. Well, here goes nothin'."

I heard a car engine coming from outside. My heart raced, knowing who showed up. I took in and let out a deep breath. Even if he and I had been going steady for two weeks, the prospect of seeing him, especially when I looked like this, left me tickled and nervous.

Knocking sounded on the front door, and I heard Mom gush, "Oh my, Elvis, would you look at you? You're so dashing!"

"Thank you," I heard in his voice that I loved. "Hey, Momma."

I imagined him hugging her. "You're so handsome, baby. You're gonna make that cute little girl faint."

"She makes me faint all the time since she's so pretty," he said, and I smiled at his sweetness.

"Wait until you see 'er," said Mom, then, "Annie?! Come on out!"

"Here I go," I said and took another breath of courage. I came out of my room and walked down the hallway and made my grand entrance into the living room. Mom put her hands over her mouth and started crying, Dad was grinning, as were Elvis's parents, but Elvis... We both stared stunned at each other. Someone snapped a picture.

"Holy mother of God, you're gorgeous, darlin'," Elvis said and wrapped me in a hug. Someone snapped a picture again.

"And you're the most handsome guy I've ever seen in my life." I came out and looked at him dressed up in a black suit that matched his new dark hair, and his tie matched my dress. I touched his long sideburns. "Wow, you really pull these off."

"I'm glad you like 'em. All for you, honey." He leaned down and kissed me sweetly on the lips, and I about melted. All our parents aw-ed at this little kiss. Another picture was snapped.

"You two are just so doggon adorable, I can't take it," said Mom. "Now, unlatch for a moment and let us take pictures of ya side by side."

Both Elvis and I chuckled, and we posed for some pictures. He gave me a pink rose corsage to match the fake roses on my dress. More pictures were taken. We gazed at each other as this was happening, and his gaze told me that he loved me. My gaze was saying the same thing back.

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