Chapter 10 - Everything Has Gone South in the South

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There are going to be a few chapters left to this story. Thanks for sticking with it!

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I woke up the next morning thinking that what happened was a dream. Certainly in my dreams did my major crush like me and kissed me to prove it. And while he had a girlfriend, too! Yes, this was all a dream, and I was about to wake up out of it and it would be the day before I slipped that love letter into locker #58. Elvis and I would become project partners and I wouldn't feel guilty for sending him the letter.

If only.

Someone knocked on my door, and I heard, "Annie, Elvis is here! I hope you're ready!"

I let out a loud gasp as I flung myself out of bed. The clock read 9:05. "Gosh darn it, I didn't set an alarm! Mom, tell 'im I'll be a few minutes! Oh, gosh..."

Suddenly, tears spilled out of my eyes, and I started sobbing. Mom came in as I sat down on the edge of my bed, and she sat down with me and wrapped an arm around me. "Oh my, honey, what's the matter?"

"Everythin', Momma... I don't know how I'll face 'im."

She knew what happened between us the day before and that I told him to compare the handwriting on my notes and the letter. She, Dad, Sally and Joey had been keeping up on all the drama. Mom told Dad last night, I told Sally after I told them, and Sally told Joey after I told her.

"It's about time you two sort all of this out," Mom said. "It looks like he really wants to talk out there. I say you get changed and brush your hair and teeth at least, okay? He's gonna think you're pretty even without makeup." She leaned in and said in a sly tone, "I think he's been wantin' to kiss ya since he met ya."

"I... maybe. I'm just scared of what he'll say to me out there."

"Just get it over with and go steady with the guy. I like 'im, as does your father. He's great first boyfriend material."

I cracked a smile and wiped my tears away. "Okay, okay. Just... go out and tell 'im I'll be ten minutes."


She left, and I got ready as fast as I could. I wore his favorite color as a dress, brushed my brown hair out and clipped one side while the rest of it waved down passed my shoulders, I did my makeup, and I brushed my teeth and spritzed some perfume on myself. I took a breath before I walked out into the living room and saw him sitting on the sofa. I saw the back of his head as I came out of the hallway, and... he was holding the love letter in his hand... as well as the page of my notes.

Well, here it goes, the conversation that we should've had the day I met him.


He turned around and stood up. He wore a white polo that was tucked into those pink slacks. We matched. Both the note page and letter were in his right hand, but he didn't indicate them.

"Wow," he said. "You look beautiful. Seems like we had the same idea with the color."

I nodded, and the air in the room suddenly felt thick. "I guess so. Um... look, Elvis... I know what you're gonna say, and I want to say now that I'm so, so sorry. I should've said somethin' in the beginnin'. In fact, there were many times I wanted to tell ya, but..."

He came around the sofa and stood in front of me. The hurt in his blue eyes was unmistakable. "Yeah, you should've said somethin'."

My heart dropped. "I don't know what to say. I feared this moment the whole of the time we've known each other. If you don't wanna talk to me or see me again, I get it."

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