Chapter 6 - What Friends Will Do for Friends

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Well, you gotta love teen drama! If you haven't already noticed, this story's full of it.

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Feigning illness wouldn't do squat. My parents knew why I wanted to stay home from school, as would Elvis and Sally. I knew at least one of them would come to get me if my parents were unsuccessful in prying me out of my room. By 7:30, neither were successful.

I heard someone open the front door out there, and Sally's voice was heard. She talked with my parents as my vanity chair was up against the door, snug under the doorknob so no one could get in. Someone suddenly knocked.

"C'mon, Annie, up, up, up! Your parents told me what's goin' on!" I said nothing. "Open the door for me, please?" she pleaded, and I heard the front door shut. "Both are your parents have gone to work. And you know you hate bein' late for school."

She was right—I did hate it. "But I'm not ready!"

"Then get ready! I'll help you!"

She was like my second sister. I got out of bed and unblocked the door. Sally came in as I went and sat on my bed. She went straight to my closet and pulled out a modest pink dress. "Wear this one. It's his favorite color."

"You know, talking about 'im isn't going to help this situation."

"Well, you're gonna have to face 'im at school, anyway. Might as well wear his favorite color. Now, get up and start doin' your hair and makeup."

She gave me a look that Mom had given me before when she wanted me to do something, and I was too stubborn to do it and she was too determined to make me do it. "Okay, okay," I said defeated and took the dress from her. I changed into it and went to my vanity table and started on my hair.

"Mom and Dad told you everythin', huh?"


"I don't know why I lost it like that in front of 'im."

She stood next to me, so I saw her in my mirror. She was a picture in a yellow dress to match her hair. "I do. You've liked this guy for over four years, and he asks you if you like 'im. Sometimes, the body and mind don't know what to do with that kind of shock and reacts."

"I guess..." I said as I put my hair up in a ponytail. "It was too much. All of this it. And the fact that I made 'im feel bad."

"He only felt bad because you were cryin'. He thought he did somethin' wrong. You gotta tell 'im he didn't."

"I guess so."

I finished up getting ready, and we headed to school. We walked, and it hurt a tad that Elvis never drove by. He sometimes did and would take me the rest of the way to school. That is, if I didn't call him for a ride first. Maybe he drove by earlier and didn't see me, so he just continued on.

We got to the school, and I immediately saw Elvis's green car in the parking lot... and he was next to it, but he wasn't alone. He was talking to a very pretty brunette who I didn't recognize. Sally let out a gasp.

"Oh my heavens! Who's Elvis talkin' to?! What a beauty she is!"

That didn't make me feel any better. I basically told him that I liked him, considering my reaction yesterday, and now, he was talking to a very pretty girl that had hair a shade darker than mine. She looked more petite than me, too, and younger. And she was wearing a pink dress like mine, but it looked a thousand times better on her. My chest pinched with jealousy as they talked and laughed with each other, and the girl was blushing.

"I'm goin' into the school," I said suddenly and abruptly turned in the other direction to the school. Sally ran in front of me to stop me. It reminded me of when Elvis did it yesterday. I thought him doing that was rather... hot.

The Letter [Elvis]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin