Chapter 7 - Fancy, Shmancy Work Party

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"You honestly can't tell me now that this isn't a date."

"It's not a date, per se, Sally, liked I've said a hundred times already. He's just going with as my second to my dad's work party. He doesn't even need to, but he insisted."

We were at school on our way to our next class the next day, and it was almost the class period before the lunch hour. It hurt that I didn't see Elvis since he was suspended. 

"You know why he insisted, right?" Sally asked as we started heading to class, and the hallway was a ruckus of kids going to their classes.

"Because he's a good person and didn't want me to be left out again among the other kids with dates."

We stopped at her English classroom door as both of us hugged our books and notebooks to our chests. "It's because he likes you, Annie. Why else would he agree, other than he's a nice guy? C'mon. He's called you pretty before, and he said that he's comfortable around you and likes spendin' time with you. And do I have to also remind you that he said it's been a while since he clicked like that with someone?"

"It was me who said that," I argued.

"He punched his best friend for you, too, and got suspended for it. Argue that."

"Because he's my friend."

"Or he was so jealous, he couldn't contain it."

She gave me a look that dared me to contradict her again. "Look, he's just my friend, okay? And project partner. Let's just drop it."

"You know I'm right."

She went on into her classroom in finality as I went on to mine. It was wishful thinking that Elvis accepted the offer to go to Dad's work party because he liked me as more than a friend. He probably didn't suspect that I liked him since he didn't like me that.

"Yeah, he was just being nice," I muttered and went on to music class.

~ ~ ~

My purple satin dress remained hanging there from the top of the full-length mirror in my bedroom. I debated on whether to wear it or just a normal, not as flashy, dress. I stared at the dress and its shiny material. Did it even fit me after two years of not wearing it? I only wore it once to that formal dance I went with Sally to.

"I think I'll just wear the green one," I said and took the dress off of the mirror. Right at that moment, someone knocked on my door and came in. It was Mom.

"Hey, sweetie, have you decided what to wear yet?" She saw the dress I was holding. "Just wear that one. You looked stunning when you wore it last."

"Two years ago. I don't know if it even fits me. Plus, it's too flashy."

"This is a formal event, and this is a formal dress. It's perfect. Plus... I think Elvis would think that you look absolutely lovely in it."

She winked at me, and I rolled my eyes. "Please, he's only my friend, Mom."

"A very handsome friend who punched another boy on your behalf. How romantic that is."

"We've been over this many times... he was just mad that Danny was mistreatin' me."

"Think what you want. Now, put on that dress, and I'll help you do your hair. My... it's like the prom came early. Say, do you think Elvis will ask ya to the senior prom?"

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