Chapter 5 - Under a Bit of Pressure

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"It wasn't a date, Sally!"

"You two spent over two hours alone together at the diner, then in his car as he was dropping you off. And he paid for your ice cream."

Sally and I were standing in front of my locker the next Monday at the beginning of school. I had told her about everything following what happed when Elvis and I were left alone after everyone left us. I shut my locker after grabbing my math textbook.

"He was bein' nice, Sally. And you know that he likes that Dixie girl. He told me straight out. And you also know I'll have to tell 'im that I like 'im since he said he insinuated he's gonna bug me until I do."

"Then tell 'im, just don't say that you wrote the letter."

I glanced down at my textbook, then up at my pretty best friend who was asked on a date by Joey. "It's a simple equation that he would figure out—I like 'im, so therefore, I must've written 'im the letter."

"There are most likely other girls who like 'im. He would think one of them did it."

"But what if he asks me if I wrote the letter, huh? Then what do I say? I don't wanna lie to 'im."

"Then just tell 'im."

I groaned, then whined and leaned my head on my locker, "What am I gonna do? We share a few classes together, and we're workin' on our project after school. He's gonna ask those times."

At that moment, Elvis walked by, and his friends weren't with him. "Good mornin', ladies," he greeted us, and we greeted him, too. He walked on as I watched him.

"This is more than I ever expected to happen with me and him," I said. "I just want to remain his friend."

"If you tell 'im you like 'im and that you wrote that letter, you'll be a couple by next week. C'mon. You want 'im to be your boyfriend. Do something about that."

She had a point, but... "He said that he trusts me, Sally, and that was why he told me some personal stuff. He's gonna be hurt if I tell 'im I wrote that letter and never said anythin'. He's gonna think that he never should've trusted me. Trust is one of the main things that keeps a relationship goin'. Without trust, the relationship will crumble."

"Then better to tell 'im sooner rather than later. You two have known each other personally for exactly a week. Don't let any more time pass."

I was seriously conflicted. I had such a great relationship with him at the moment, I didn't want to ruin it with my stupidity.

Sally and I went to our respective class, and I headed to my math class, another class that I shared with Elvis. This was a higher level of math class since it was at the senior level. Elvis was probably being modest when he said that he had horrible grades. He wouldn't be in this class if he didn't get at least a C in the prerequisite math class.

I came into the room, and my gaze went immediately to Elvis who was talking with a guy sitting near him. I went to my seat which was to the row right of him and two seats ahead. I saw in the corner of my eye him turn his head. Did he look at me? Was he looking at me?

My heart beating faster, I got my notebook out and turned to a blank page. Was it me, or was he still looking at me?

Something fell onto my desk—a folded piece of paper. My brows creased. No one ever tossed me a note or even gave me one. Not in class like some people do. I looked around me, but people seemed oblivious. There wasn't even a person sitting behind or near me on my left. A girl was on my right, but she was busy chatting with another girl across from her on her right. Was this note meant for me?

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