Chapter 36 - Ciel... on a Throne?

Start from the beginning

Beru tried to step forward again but was stopped.

"No don't. We all need to recover first. Don't do anything rash."

"I am so sorry my liege." He looked like he just did some unforgivable criminal offense.

Nevertheless, they waited and recovered there for another half and hour, and it was only after his mana bars were full that he told Beru to approach the throne again.

The shadow walked carefully. It noticed that no corpses were left. Although it was unsure how they disappeared, either due to the explosion, or because of the mysterious force behind the incident.

Anyway, it made its way up the stairs.

To Beru's surprise, there was no expelling force and he could freely make his way up.

The woman then appeared in his sights, still peacefully sitting on the throne.

He reached out, but stopped himself and looked at his liege. He nodded back which was enough for him, and his hand once again reached out for her.

At this moment, Ciel's eyes gradually opened and looked at Beru's black and blue hands.


Hmm, if I make it like a level from a game, then surely that would be fun enough right?

Yes Ciel, it would be the best idea ever!

Thank you other Ciel, now let's get back to designing.


First wave should be... uh... goblins!

Yes goblins, since they are the weakest mobs in terms of strength, although I can't the same thing for the goblins in Tempest.

Well, these don't have a soul anyway, just an instinct to kill so it's fine.


Well, that was underwhelming. I thought it would at least be more of a challenge. Eh, oh well. Next wave I'll make some orcs.

Hehe, those green overgrown pigs will surely at least challenge you!

Excluding Geld of course, he's a safe guy. He and his subordinates are exempt from such thoughts.


Oh come on man... that ant is such a cheat. Shouldn't there be a rule that says no stronger beings participate in the fights of weaklings. He just broke the number one rule of powerhouses, but I can't really say much can I?

Uh, fine. Next I'll make it extra hard and kill you all, then go back to Rimuru. I hate this weird place already.


Someone self-destructed? What an idiot. Unable to bear with the pain of being weak so he chose to end his life instead of fighting to the bitter end, then ending his life.

Where am I supposed to get my entertainment?

Sure it's funny for a moment, but it's only short term.

I need long term entertainment!


Since when did he have an anti-matter bomb! If I hadn't reinforced the place it would've blown it to smithereens.

And what a cheat. They survived by channelling mana into his shadows and using them as a wall?

His plot armour is ridiculous.

I'm so tempted to activate analysis and see who they are but I'm not gonna. I'm just going to ignore the temptation.

Fight against it Ciel...

But what creature should I do next?

Urgghh, forget it. I'll just count this as their win.

Let me see what they're going to do now.


They seriously just made me wait half an hour?!?! I get the caution part and he had to recharge his mana, whilst the rest recovered, but come on! Half an hour! I could be snuggled up in Rimuru's arms by now, but no I'm here.

Wait, isn't my real body in his arms right now? It's just my mind that is here.

How stupid I am to forget this... it seems I rely too much on skills *sigh.

Why am I here in the first place then?

That confirms it. I'm not going to activate my all-knowing skills and just get myself through this. Then I will turn back time and then see what happened.

I swear, if it is some arrogant god of another multiverse messing with this multiverse's timeline, I swear I will make them never forget it.

It seems they're going to come to me now...


Ay ay, no touching please.

*sigh. It seems I can't help it.

At this moment, she opened her eyes and saw hands trying to touch her.

No one but Rimuru is allowed to touch me. How dare he?!!

Already earning Ciel's irk, before he even knew what was going on, his body was flown backwards and engraved a hole onto the wall.

The wall, which could withstand an antimatter explosion just half an hour ago, was actually damaged by someone being launched by a mere stare.

Sung Jinwoo was surprised for different reasons however, as he felt half of his mana disappear.

That took half of my mana! The damage he suffered must've been ridiculous to take half my mana!

He looked back up at the woman, and she also looked down at the crowd.

"My liege..."

"No need to apologise or anything. Be on guard." He whispered.


No one else spoke, and they just looked at the now awake person sitting in the throne.

Unexpectedly, it was Sung Jinwoo who said something first.

"If I may ask, who are you and what can we do to leave safely?"

There was no pride behind it. He acknowledged that he was definitely weaker than her, not to mention his friends being here as well. The biggest task is to leave here safely and report this to the authorities, although he doubted they could do much.

It would be a nightmare if she didn't let them, or was uncooperative. But he also knew that those who stood at the top tend to be unbothered by anyone. It was like him. As he was strong in Korea, and even all over the world, he didn't really care about those beneath him unless they had some kind of relationship.

His bet was on the figure and his own intuition though, since his statement could be taken two ways.

Either she was unbothered by anyone, and killed them without batting an eye. That could be likely since those at the top, as Sung Jinwoo thought, didn't care.

Or she, even though unbothered, took interest in their previous performance and was willing to talk it out.

The latter was what he hoped for, and his mind span quickly and formed many different scenarios in his head, but if it was the former than there was practically no point.

Soon, he saw her mouth open and move, but still her head leaned on her hand, which was attached to her arm calmly resting on the throne.


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