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once i go through security I ask when the next flight to Cousins beach is. "Hi can i buy a ticket for the the next flight to cousins beach?"

"The next flight is at 7am tomorrow, do you want first class?" the woman ask me.

"Sure, why not?" I can treat myself, I need it.

"Cash or credit?"

"cash" i hand her 300 dollars. She hands me back my ticket and change. Now I have to find a spot to rest for the night. I spot a empty couch, I guess that's where i'll be staying till my flight. I have nothing to do without my phone, so i go to the little starbucks they have and get a venti skinny triple vanilla latte.

I go back to my uncomfortable small couch and watch the news on the tv in front of me. After a while i check my phone. it's now 4am, ugh i still have 3 hours (if the plane is on time) omg i'm so hungry.

I go hunt for a vending machine because airport food is expensive as hell. I spot one after a few minutes of looking. I grab a crinkled 1$ out of my purse. I type in the number for the Cheetos. After a few second of it not giving me anything i realize it took my money.

"You son of a bitch!" I shout

"Is everything okay girl?" I turn around. It's a girl who has ginger hair and a freckle face, she's gorgeous.

"Yeah it's just that this damn vending machine took my money."

"Here i think i have some snacks in my bag let me look.." she digs around in her bag and pulls out a granola bar.

"no, it's fine really, I'll just buy some airport food!" I decline her granola bar.

"Girl you must be joking, that airport food is expensive! Please take it i have plenty more!" she hands it over.

"Thank you so much" I smile.

"Are you here alone?" she ask

"yeah actually, I am."

"Oh, where are you heading?"

"Cousins beach"

"Oh, we'll do you wanna come sit with me and my girlfriend until your flight boards?" She ask.

"Sure, what's you name again?" I ask

"Susannah" she says. Wow what a coincidence, She does remind me a lot of susannah now that i think of it. The freckles, the chirpy voice, the beautiful smile.

"What's yours?" She ask.


I follow her back to her girlfriend. Her girlfriend is a blonde with blue/green eyes. She look like paisley in a way.

"Rosalee, this is my girlfriend Naomi!" Susannah introduces us.

"Hi!" I smiled and she smiled back.

"Rosalee is gonna sit with us until her flight boards, she's super nice." Susannah sat down.
Naomi didn't really talk much, she just listened. We all got along really good though, and time flew by. Soon I heard them call my flight over the intercom.

I say bye and rush to board my plane. once i get on my plane i sleep the whole time, i very much needed it. I get woken up by someone clapping when the plane landed, who the fuck claps for that?

I got out of the airport as a soon as i could and waved for a uber. I gave the driver the address to the summer house, I decided to stay there since no one else was going to be there. And I was right, no one was there when I arrived.

I grabbed my bags from the uber and paid. I looked for the summer house key on my keychain. I walked inside and sat by bags down.

I wonder if there's any food, probably not but it's worth a try. And for some reason the fridge was stocked? Like someone had been here.

I grabbed a beer and some chips and sat down on the couch. After i finished my beer i fell asleep on the couch. 

"Rose?" I hear a familiar voice. "Rose wake up." I hear again.

I open my eyes and Conrad Fisher is standing over me.

next chapters gonna be good 👍

Maybe it was Just a make out Session// conrad and jeremiah fisherWhere stories live. Discover now