Chapter 23

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I don't think I've ever seen Terry as nervous as he is right now. Esme is next to me on my right while Corey is on my left. She keeps leaning over to me and voicing her worries about her boyfriend. The whole baseball team is all in one corner. This is where the boys have prepped everything, so I've been told. 

They made sure to put Tempest and Esme between me and Zala. While Priti and Vera are behind us. After some careful medalling between me and Vera, we managed to put Quintin next to Priti. The rest of the boys take up the rest of their row and the one behind. 

The ceremony is long and tiring. I had to keep nudging Corey awake throughout. He just gives me a side glance. We wait until they announce everyone's name and all the speeches were finished. The boys nearest the wall and far behind us stand up when the Chancellor looks in our direction while wrapping up his speech. 

We got special permission to do it inside during the ceremony from him. Apparently, it took the whole team and the current graduating class to beg for permission. Turns out our Chancellor is a big softy. 

The rest of the boys behind us stand up so it leaves us girls with Corey and Radek sitting. That is the Chancellor's queue. "Now that you've all graduated we will lead out the procession, but before we do that we have a special request to be fulfilled. If you may turn your attention to our current baseball team and reserves at the back of the room."

Esme looks around her at the boys as Radek and Corey stand up to join the team. We girls move away from Esme and to the back where some gifts are from Terry. She looks at where we went in confusion. We walk in a specific order. Vera as the newest member goes first. She hands her a small bouquet of roses. Next is Zala with a small jar with a gold key and red glitter inside and a note saying you hold the key to my heart. Priti goes next with a book full of photos of Terry and Esme during their relationship. I'm next with a small teddy bear with a heart on it. When I pass it to her, I could see the tears forming in her eyes. Tempest goes last with a small box with all the things a bride-to-be will need to plan her wedding. 

Finally, the boys all move to the aisle in a huge line. Including Samu, Deandre and Terry. The boys then all hand her a note from Terry. Until it reaches Terry who hands her a note and as she reads it gets down on one knee. You can hear all the guests gasp. I catch Corey's eyes while watching his teammate propose. You can tell these boys are a family and will be for the rest of their lives. 

"Yes," Esme announces. The normally composed woman jumps into Terry's arms and kisses him hard. We all let out a cheer and everyone in the room starts clapping. 

We get ushered back to our seats so normal proceedings can happen. When we all get outside the Esme is hugging all of us while we wait for the graduates to come out after taking official photos. 

"This must have taken you guys ages," she mentions once we're all in a huddle away from the families. 

The boys laugh. Tamaz swings an arm around her shoulder, "not too long. Once Terry got the idea it was mainly set it up. That's all we did, well us singletons as Corey puts it."

"Hey, we also set up. But since we have girlfriends and fiancees we knew about the best gifts and notes," Corey defends himself. 

Tamaz shakes his head, "I still don't know how you managed to get engaged before the older lads. You even had a few days on Terry and did it by yourself."

I let out a small laugh, "He had the girls help a little."

Corey looks at me shocked, "You're meant to side with me shortcake. I only got the girls involved for a bit at the mall. Even then I had that planned out."

We all look at the girls for confirmation. "As much fun as it is to see Corey struggle. He did tell us exactly what to do," Tempest says. "Anyway, what do you expect when they've known each other forever."

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