Chapter 7

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Walking towards the bleachers, I have an uneasy feeling. I notice Corey waiting with Terry and a girl who looks a final year like Terry. Corey spots me and waves me over. "Clara, this is Esme, Terry's girlfriend."

I give her a small smile that she returns. Corey and Terry then run to the dugout. Esme leads me to the section where a group of girls are waiting. One of the bubbly older girls runs over. She wraps me into a hug.

"You must be Clara. The guys told us about your bravery against Jonah. The guys don't know but he was always a dick towards us," She says. "Oh, I'm Tempest. Samu's girlfriend."

"The starting catcher, right?" I check with her. She nods her head excitedly and pulls me over to the small group of girls. They all had the teams jersey with their boyfriends numbers on, so it was a lot easier for me to guess whose with who.

They all tare their eyes away from the field and turn to face us. They all have smiles on their faces. "This is Corey's girlfriend Clara. The one who finally got the guys to see Jonah's true colours."

They all offer me a wave but most of them turn back to the field due to the game starting. Esme and Tempest squish me between them but I don't mind. Esme nudges me, "how are you doing? Terry told me that you were lucky not to break a rib."

I laugh it off, "I'm fine. I'm self-defence trained and part of training is learning to get hit." She nods but still has a worried look on her face. We watch the match, with a little shouting from us. I actually had fun and Tempest and Esme kept me company through it all.

They stay close while we wait for the guys after the match had finished. It was a close game, 4-3 to us, thankfully. The boys worked hard, and you could tell as they left the lockers. They had big smiles on their faces, but the rest of their bodies sagged with tiredness. I wrap my arms around Corey when he comes out looking defeated.

"Did you have fun with the girls, shortcake?" Corey asks moving a stray hair from my face.

"I did, they're good people. Congrats on the win," I tell him. He kiss me sweetly as a thanks. I place one hand on his face bringing us closer. We pull apart to wolf whistles and cheering. Both me and Corey flip them off, earing laughs from the athletes.

"Now that Corey has given us a show. We get to go celebrate our win. The party is at Deandre's," Terry announces. There's a few cheers and we all start walking to the carpark. Corey has his arm wrapped around me and Marco, Paul and Chris are with us. They are all talking about the match with Paul giving the guys pointers based on what he's seen.

"So how has wedding planning going, chief bridesmaid," Marco asks. Finally adding me to the conversation.

I let out a sigh, "tiring. Who knew how much I'd have to do? It's not as simple as organising the hen do."

Corey laughs, "Her laptop has a folder full of everything. I'd be surprised if her phone doesn't go off during the party later." I nudge him in the side as his friends laugh.

"So, the mission for tonight is pinch her phone," Paul says clapping his hands together.

"And getting her drunk," Chris adds.

I look up at Corey and smirk at him. He returns that smirk. I don't get drunk; I get others drunk. Marco sees this but stays quiet. I don't mind them pinching my phone as long as it's safe and doesn't end up broken.

Paul grabs me from Corey, "So where's your glam rags? You can't show up like that. Otherwise, the single girls will see Corey as fair play."

Corey whacks Paul and pulls me back to him. He looks over my head, "Don't worry about that Paul. I am prepared."

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