Chapter 21

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Sitting around the table, tension grows. My parents are opposite Corey and I. We're all silent. It's like time has stopped. The only way you could tell it hadn't was the noise from the living room. Bri and Diana are watching the tv so they are not involved in this conversation. 

Dad clears his throat, and we all look at him. He is meant to be the patriarch of this family. He should be leading this discussion. But no, he is just sitting there like there's nothing wrong. I clutch Corey's hand tighter as the anger bubbles. 

"Right, since no one is speaking. I'll tell the girls to get ready," Mom says standing up.

"What's there to say? Molly kicked out your daughter and you stayed while I was dealing with her breaking down on their driveway," Corey says, his tone getting harsher by the second. Mom sits back down looking at my dad to answer.

"We were trying to convince them that you had it planned for a while. We didn't know which day just that it was soon. If they had invited you in the first place instead of last minute it could have been avoided," dad says. 

"Molly wouldn't accept that and then she started crying and stressing so Ryan and Nathan got all protective. Some things were said and we defended you. They were demanding an apology so your dad rang Corey," mom says.

"Cause that's exactly what it sounded like on the phone," Corey mumbles under his breath so they couldn't hear it. 

"This is getting no where," I sigh. "Maybe the girls can help clear it up. We're just going to end up going in circles." 

Mom shakes her head. "I'm not bring them into this mess. You two don't have to see them unless it's a big family event anyway. It's not like you visit any of them."

"We visit Lola and Mack all the time. In fact I babysit Kae most of the time. Since we've spoke to Clark to put us on separate shifts so I can look after Kae while they are both working. Or when Lola has to go somewhere and can't bring Kae," I protest immediately. 

Dad and mom share a look. "What the hell is that look for?" Corey snaps. 

"Molly was asking if she could look after Kae when she goes onto maternity leave. Something about getting the practice. Lola said that there's a routine already in place and she doesn't want to break that," Mom says. "So your the routine and nobody but you guys knew."

Brianna walks into the kitchen and heads straight for the crisps cupboard. She turns to us as we sit in silence. "Don't mind me. Just getting food. Oh Lola texted, asked if you could have Kae while she pops over to Molly's."

I pull out my phone and text her back immediately with yes. "She doesn't want Kae around Molly?" Dad asks us. This time Corey and I share a look. 

"Honey, I think they didn't want anyone to know that. Also think about it this way, would you want an impressionable child around Molly when she can't get her own way," Mom asks dad. "We've just got to keep it from her as it'll kick off otherwise. Also Brianna, I'm taking your phone for leaving us out of an important loop and taking snacks without asking."

"Mom that's so not fair," Bri whines stomping back into the living room. They start bickering back and forth. A knock at the door silences the whole argument. We all move into the living room as Diana opens the door.

"Hey there, no clue who you are but I'm Diana, Clara's youngest sister," she says. 

"Whatever I'm here to speak to Corey," The unnerving voice responds. My eyes widen as I rush to the door and move Diana out the way. Corey is at my side creating an extra blockage to Diana.

"What do you want?" Corey says keeping his voice even in front of my parents. 

"To speak to you alone. Didn't realise her family was here," they say emphasising the word her while glaring at me. 

"I have a name. And what's so important that you need to speak to Corey. You haven't spoke to him since your last baseball practice," I snap at him. The daggers he's shooting me, reminds me of how unhinged and instinctual he is. 

Corey wraps his arm around my waist. He gently squeezes it telling me he's got this and me. I don't dare glance at my parents. They'd be able to tell that this isn't going to end well. 

"It's none of your business. I need a word with him alone. I figured you'd be at work but you have a habit of being unpredictable," he spits back. I have to bite my tongue. Literally. 

"Just spit it out Jonah. We are very busy here and I don't have time for this," Corey says, his frustration seething out of him. 

Jonah groans knowing I am not going anywhere. "I need your help to get back on the team. The others said they'd help if your cool with it. They understand my need to play the game."

I try to stifle the laughter bubbling up but it slips out a little. I can feel Corey's confused stare at me. Jonah though doesn't seem confused just annoyed. I take a few deep breaths so I don't laugh anymore. 

"See this is why I wanted to talk to you alone. I knew she'd act all high and mighty," he says. 

Corey squeezes my waist telling me not to reply but a sharp look up at him and he knows that won't happen. I turn to face Jonah again. "I'm not going to act all high and mighty. I just don't think you'd be best suited for the team. The team isn't just the players. It's also the players support system as well. You don't see that and only see the team as it's players. It's one of the reasons you treat all the guys partners badly."

Corey's eyes are looking at me confused and I know I have some explaining to do. I just hope he doesn't use that in his decision making. I give him a quick kiss on the cheek and go back into the living room where my family is waiting. 

Diana and Brianna both look worried. They know parts of what Jonah did because they speak to Willow who heard it from Lola when she was informing Martha for advice. Mom and dad on the other hand look more intrigued then anything. Diana rushes over and hugs me.

"Clara are you ok? Why did you leave Corey with him? Did he do anything? Why is he here?" Brianna fires at me while I'm hugging Diana. 

I give out a small sigh. "I'm ok. He'd never do anything to Corey. Trust me, he wouldn't have the chance to do anything. He's here to ask for Corey's help to get back on the baseball team."

"Why was he kicked off the team?" Mom adds.

I look at Brianna, who subtlety shakes her head. Diana though had other ideas, "he was the one who attacked Clara."

"And why didn't you send him away immediately," Dad snaps at me.

I can see his anger brewing and I hope Corey finishes his discussion soon. "It's not that simple. He used to be really close with Corey. They used to go to Jonah's a lot during first year. They were like brothers. He just couldn't handle Corey devoting time to me more. He wouldn't want me around when they were hanging out but he only voiced it to me away from everyone."

Corey comes back in with a stressed out look. He wraps his arms around me and rests his head on my shoulder. I reach up and slowly run my fingers through his hair, massaging his scalp. We all just stay in an uncomfortable silence. 

"I think we should be heading out. You two probably need to process what has happened," Mom says. She ushers my sisters to their coats and towards the door. I give her a thankful smile as they go to give us a hug on their way out. Dad comes over and hugs me while patty Corey on the head. 

We really do need to process everything and talk about everything. Though I have a feeling our life will get in the way. It normally does. 

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