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The storm is here..kind of.

"Thank you for the bear, Shaq." Aya breathed as they walked next to each other, their arms bumping together. Shaq nodded, looking up and watching as everyone bickered about where to go to eat. Shaq and Aya didn't care, enjoying each other's presence in the most silent way possible.

"Shaq jr." he stated suddenly while slapping the bear causing Aya to giggle while rolling her eyes.

"Yeah, cause what you have down there ain't no junior." Aya whispered while tip toeing and biting his shoulder causing him to look down at her in shock while he stopped walking. She stopped next to him, staring up at him as he licked his lips.

"Don't tease me. You won't like how I respond." He whispered back. Aya smirked while looking up at him with the same doe eyes that drove him crazy.

"Maybe I will. You don't know me like that." Aya responded back. Shaq smirked while stepping forward, pushing her head up with his knuckle.

"Oh yeah? You think so?" He asked knowingly. She nodded and he smirked, leaning down and brushing his lips against hers as quickly as he pulled away.

"Okay. I don't wanna hear any apologies when my tongue is in your ass again." He whispered against her lips. Aya gasped as she looked up at him, shaking her head as a smirk formed on her face.

"I don't know..I'm not feeling apologetic tonight." She breathed as she ran a hand up and down his chest.

"Let's go to the bathroom. I'll make you apologize right now." He growled. Aya giggled, moaning as he wrapped his arms around her waist and started kissing her neck without a care in the world.

" a good boy and I'll reward you instead.." She whispered into his ear. Something switched inside of Shaq from her words and he looked down at her with wide eyes. She nodded, testing the waters before leaning in and pecking his parted lips softly.

"Oh hell no!" They pulled away as Sierra stomped toward them, Morgan trying to pull her away. The rest of the group stopped in their tracks and turned as they started to hear arguing.

"Sierra don't! She doesn't know!" Morgan hissed.

"Listen lady, I don't know who you are but you leave him alone!" Sierra hissed as she pointed at Aya who just looked at her in confusion.

"What the hell are you talking about? All I did was kiss him!" Aya responded harshly.

"Look at his face! You said something to him! Shaq! Are you okay?!" Sierra asked while shaking his shoulder.

"Sierra, what the fuck?!" He hissed causing her to jump. Morgan groaned, Sonia and Jamal walking over with Sierra and Morgan's partners.

"What the fuck just happened?" Sonia hissed.

"Your home girl tryna get all up on him. I told him to leave her alone! She's not good for you right now and you know that! It's only been a year, Shaq! And all of y'all supporting this knowing damn well he should not be doing nothing with nobody!" Sierra hissed, her chest rising up and down. Aya was completely dumbfounded as she looked between everyone who was yelling over each other. She wasn't sure what was going on, but she was sick of it.

"A year since what?" Aya asked causing everyone to go quiet. Sonia looked just as confused as they both looked between the group. Shaq was fuming, his chest rising up and down with his hands balled in fists. His eyes were pitch black with anger and it scared them.

"Shaq, chill dawg..chill..she's just tryna protect you from going back, bro.. chill.." Jamal chanted as he slowly walked over to Shaq who was still glaring at Sierra who looked terrified.

"Going back where?!" Aya yelled, looking up at Shaw who looked down at her with desperate eyes as he shook his head.

"He didn't tell you? I would've assumed with the way y'all been so close." Sierra hissed.

"Shut the fuck up! You're not my fùcking keeper!" Shaq yelled at Sierra who just glared up at him before looking at Aya who was shaking with anxiety.

"Y'all been fucking, right?! I knew it! I fucking knew it! That's why he's been acting so manic! Fuck!" Sierra spat as she launched herself toward Aya, Sonia stepping in front of her.

"Aya has no clue what you're talking about! Chill, Sierra!"

"Nah cause he's not going back because of some white washed bitch! That's the same type of bitch who put him there in the first place! They are not taking my brother away again!" Sierra yelled angrily as hot tears streamed down her face.

"W-what? What are you talking about? Shaq, what is she talking about?" Aya asked desperately as she shook him. He just looked down at her with sorrowful eyes, taking a step forward as she moved back from him.

"Back to the prisoners psych ward." Morgan breathed quietly. Aya blinked rapidly as she looked at Morgan before looking at Shaq while shaking her head.


"Morgan, please.." Shaq begged. He was on the verge of tears as he stepped forward but Aya shook her head as she put her arm up to keep a distance between them.

"Chance after chance I gave you to be honest with me and I had to find out like this? That's where they put murderers and child molesters. Clinically insane people." Aya hissed.

"Nah, it wasn't like that-I swear it wasn't!" Shaq yelled but she shook her head.

"Tell her the truth, Shaq. You want love? You wanna go crazy over another woman? So tell her the truth about how your fake, light skin rich ass legal guardian that looks JUST like her used to fuck you and you liked it so much that you killed her husband after he came back from the army! Cause she brain washed you! And then sent you to prison for it! And we all..had to deal with it! Because we're your family! Not her! Us!" Sierra spat, Morgan shaking her head as tears streamed down her face as she sobbed into her hand. Sonia looked up at Jamal who had sad eyes while nodding, before looking at Aya who just stared at Shaq with a blank face.

"I thought he was hurting her! I didn't know she had a husband! She never told me! Aya please.." Shaq sobbed as she started to back away from all of them. Her chest was beating rapidly as she stared up at him with confusion and sorrow.

"I-I have to go.." Aya whimpered as she started to walk away, everyone except for Sierra calling her name. She felt sick to her stomach, unsure of how to feel and what to say. She felt as if she knew too much, shaking her head as she sobbed lowly while walking as fast as she could before calling an Uber home.

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