bloopers 1

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Sharing a room with the other 2 brothers was nice but somthimes very noicy, they are the only ones sleeping with 3 in one room. Gempa has a big bed while halilintar and taufan have bunkbeds.

Taufan was talking of stuff while hali was trying to shut him up. They weren't the same age eather well- each of them had 1 year diffrence. (In my world ice is the youngest! So sush! Hes a goof boy, sleeps a lott UvU) ice is the youngest of them tho he dint like the 2 youngest (solar). Ice would get afread and look for one of his big brothers somthimes but when he picked his favoriet he dint wake the others animore and even got allouwd to sleep in the same bed as blaze.

Thorn and solar shared a room too, tho- both sides of the room had green or yellow walls. It was there fav collar, they chose it. The 2 have a good bound with eachother and he found it addorible. Gempa never had favoriets he liked evribody.

He looked at his older brother in bed hitting with his leg the bed above him who was taufan's, he never stopped talking. he saw the incredible bounding of the 2, it was a cure to his eyes. when taufan got queiet hali looked over at gempa to see if he was okey. ofcourse he was! he just likes to make sure, he watched as gempa was smiling at them untill.. BONK 'AUCH' both of them looked to the top bed confused but wurried. recently taufan wanted to sit up but vergot he laped under his lamp and had hitted it hard!

'ecrithing okey there cycy?' the second oldest asked eyebrowns furrowed as he got off bed. 'yeah- im okey! i just hit my lamp with my head, my mistake' the 2 sight in relief but gempa still climed the ladder to check up on him more. the boy on the bed looked at gempa who was looking at him. 'hey gemmieeeee!!' gemmie..ofcourse he says that after getting himself hurt. 'ye, your fine' he went back to his bed and layed under his covers. tommorow would be a crazy day again, tho he liked the little brothers he had. he adored evry one of them.


(second try of starting the page- lost motivation and later also dint like it animore- T-T)


Gempa's voice was in the house, loud voices egood the halls. Yep hes in trouble witch happends almost never!

Gempa come down the stairs angry like alweys when he yells sombody's full name. He slammed a peace of book next to him. His older brother looked a littld confused knowing he dint do anithing wrong to cause gempa to be so angry at him.

Gempa had recently already felt stress durihg school and well halilintar has been trying to help ease the stress witch has been a lott of relief to making him feel cormfteboll at home xinout that much stress, but making him angry wasn't somthing he planned to make gempa.

'A book?' He asked in confusion. 'A BOOK?! DO YOU KNOW WHY MY BOOK IS IN YOURS?!' halilintar shrughrd really not knowing how it ended up there. 'why are you even going true my stuff?' he asked. the other got angry but just left.


Gempa was a little brother from his brothers taufan and halilintar. He was the youngest but also kindest. He was the luck you could wish for. His parents praised him but seemed they vergot to show the same praise to the other kind brothers actions or well mostly his middle oldest.

When he got home with friends he would go under full pressior but also hatred from there parents sinds they dont like friends over.

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