florence whitlock | individual

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florence whitlock inherited much from their time growing up in near-isolation in the freezing south of antarctica where they were both created and trained. florence has learned to be incredibly adaptable to any situation, becoming almost like a chameleon, changing their personality, how they move, react, and so forth, doing whatever is required to survive in almost any environment. because of their adaptability, florence is extremely capable, they know how to handle themselves and are very alert and anticipative of their surroundings, all skills that are priceless in their life and line of work. despite the fact they were designed to be this implement of death, florence evolved well beyond that and gained their own desires, they are gentle, caring, sweet, loyal, cheerful, humble, considerate and countless more positive traits that make them a very compassionate individual.

numerous other traits were ingrained into florence during their upbringing, many which are far more geared towards what they were designed for. florence is meticulous and methodical, a habit formed with their intense and oftentimes torturous training, it invades every aspect of their life, the experiment an extreme neat-freak that has to have their entire life organised down to the smallest detail. as a consequence florence is a textbook perfectionist, they're very precise and orderly, often being seen as very strange when out in public thanks to the range of odd compulsions they have acquired. florence is well disciplined and notably efficient when not held back by their compulsions, the only real time they can put those habits aside is when fighting, or more accurately killing, their brain seems to shut off in order to push such distractions aside.

florence is an incredibly intelligent individual, not only are they knowledgeable but they are incredibly clever, being able to pick up on things quickly even without prior experience. they are trusting to a fault, which is often seen as a major flaw in their design, as is their often brutal honesty. while florence can be very playful, empathetic, sensitive and playful, they are notably reliable when needed, if someone is in need of help that they care for then their devotion to ensuring their safety is unshakeable. while very knowledgeable on academic subjects, florence is quite naive when it comes to social interaction, and thus they are extremely curious, fascinated by people and hungry to interact with them, often bombarding people with questions that many would find inappropriate to be asked. the artificial human is also incredibly observant, finding themselves often people watching as they attempt to learn more about how to better interact with others. florence is seen as a loveable and cute soul, they rarely become bogged down by negative emotions and are often the life of the party, being both extremely elegant and vivacious.

despite their outgoing and breezy nature, florence is quite self-conscious, they desire to be comfortable in public but can't get themselves to feel that way and it frustrates them. while very open emotionally, florence is very deceptive to those around them, because of their background and what they are capable of they have to hide much of who they truly are making them a very contradictory person with their double life. while possessing the traditional anatomy of a biological male, florence is seen and often acts very soft and feminine in nature, growing up their only way to learn of people was through forms of media such as books, shows and movies, and for whatever reason florence always connected better to the women in those forms of media, yet didn't necessarily identify fully that way.

florence is a textbook hedonist, they desire to feel good above all else, pleasure is their number one goal. they're also obsessive and possessive, they can latch on dangerously to other people or things and feel like they have ownership over them or it, and will become violent to protect what is theirs. florence has a hatred for authority and is extremely disobedient, they refuse to comply with those in positions of power and will often become destructive as a result of being told what to do. florence is also a very cautious and anxious person, worries about being found and taken back to their so called 'home' and forced to work for those who created them, those who desire to control them for their own ends.


an artificial human assassin with no real authority, merely a tool for those who created them.


professionally florence is an assassin, yet from the view of the public he's no better than a literal villain and killer, though outside of that they work as a barista at a coffee shop.


florence boasts of many achievements in the professional world of killing, they're entirely unnatural in terms of their deadly proficiency, however they don't desire to do that anymore. of course they still do kill even now, however they scarcely do it, taking on jobs only when needed to boost their bank account and ensuring the target is someone worthy of death.


florence has a very bloody reputation, they're known as the single deadliest killer ever to work, and the mere mention of their alias sends literal shivers down the spines of those who know of them. 



florence's ability is a rather gruesome and unsettling one. it allows the artificial human to graft the body parts of other individuals onto himself and take their abilities as his own. the process requires the removal of the body part from a still living victim, and once grafted successfully the ability is stolen completely from the individual. as a consequence of florence's ability, their body is littered in scars, much of the current body not even their's anymore, yet it's a price florence is more than content to pay for the numerous powers it gives them in return, powers necessary to protect those they care for.


florence most often utilises their own body or guns as primary weapons of choice because of the ease of use and concealment in public.


florence possesses a wide array of skills, from close combat, to piloting, hacking, mechanics and even chemistry. one of the many advantages of being artificially engineered.



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