"Askeladd. I think you should know already that Thorfinn doesn't do things for free" (Y/n) said, as she glanced at the boy.

"......Do you have any idea how many men I've killed? I've been your scout, guarded your troops from behind, I've done enough for you. And still, you want more?" Thorfinn said.

"Now what's the matter? Think you deserve a reward? Fine, if you close the deal I'll give you three shiny gold coins, I swear in the name of Tier"

"*glare* To hell with that. How long are you gonna run from me?"

Askeladd playfully held his hands up in surrender "Whoa easy now, I was only kidding around with ya. However, I believe that reward will cost a bit more, say the head of a General maybe?"

Thorfinn's glare towards Askeladd harshened when he glanced at (Y/n)'s arms, observing all the faint bite marks that littered her skin from their previous battles, before looking back at him.

"Fine, but there's something else that I want after doing this"

"Oh? And what could that be?" Askeladd questioned.

"It doesn't matter how many days, from this one going forward, I want you to stop using (Y/n) to heal you and your men, no matter how injured you might get"

"T-Thorfinn...?" (Y/n) trailed off, as she was a little taken aback by his request, while Askeladd, who has been secretly watching his interactions with the girl over the years, could see it coming from a mile away.

"*smile* Hmp, alright then, deal"

Deciding to talk to him about it later, (Y/n) quickly followed Thorfinn down the fields and towards the Franks Enemies Main Camp, where they were stopped from entering by two soldiers.

"*glare* What do you kids want? This is no place for children like you" One with a faint scar across his face, said.

"Were envoys, is there anyone here who happens to speak Norse?" (Y/n) calmly asked.

"You understand this girl? What's she speaking?" He questioned his comrade.

"Her and the boy are certainly not a Frank" He replied.

"Hmm, what if they are spies from the fortress?"

"Then I say let's take them prisoner...!"

The soldier with the scar reached out to grab (Y/n), but before he could Thorfinn immediately took a hold of two of his fingers, crushing them almost completely as he yanked his arm behind his back, and shoved one of his daggers near his neck. Shocking his comrade, along with some of the other soldiers in the camp.

"Keep your hands away from her" Thorfinn said, threateningly. Before looking at the rest of the soldiers. "Now, were envoys, does anyone here speak Norse?"

Around the dusk of night, they were finally able to meet the General, who was a small fat man with a weirdly shaped head and was currently sitting at a table in front of them, eating pieces of steak.

"They believe they can claim half the spoils, do they? These damn mercenaries are pushing their luck" He said bitterly, as he bit into a piece of steak, while the man next to Thorfinn translated his words to him and (Y/n) and continued to do so further on.

"You're sure of yourselves, Huh. You little Normani brats"

"Huh? A Normani, those are the northerners wreaking havoc in England" The second leader of the soldiers said.

"Your strategy will fail. Assaulting the front gate only sends your men to death, but they have no defenses on the lake. So, we need to attack from there"

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