Chapter 25: Sunyu Foorst

Start from the beginning

The first woman growls and charges at Panele with her spear raised, but Corb sighs with a shrug. "When in Rome," he reaches into his bag and takes out his gun to aim it at the woman, but Todo grabs his arm and forces him to lower the weapon.

"What the hell are you doing?" he snaps.

Panele draws a set of short swords and kicks off to the side, deflecting the woman's attempted strike and turning to bash the pommel of one of her swords into the woman's jaw. The woman staggers with a pained grunt and Panele takes the opening to plunge one of her blades through her throat.

She pulls her sword free and lets the body fall before putting her blades away and turning to face Reela, Corb and Todo again.

Corb scoffs and puts his gun away. "Oh yeah, what I was going to do was so much worse," he rolls his eyes and walks over to the woman.

Panele snickers and crosses her arms. "Sorry fur th' greeting. Reception's been poor since they pumpin' Endile narcs decided tae take over. Apparently ten years is enough time tae start yet another war fur our people as if we're nae already on th' brink o' extinction," she says and reaches down to grab the body and drag it to the bridge to toss it to the river below. She turns back to face the group. "With any luck, th' Endile Tribe will be first tae go."

She walks over to the three and holds out her hand to Reela. "Panele Odion o' th' Kirix Tribe. Pleasure tae meet ye," she says and Reela hesitantly shakes her hand. She feels a moment of fear that she might just snap every bone in her poor tiny fingers, but luckily this woman seems to be holding back her strength.

Todo gasps with a small smile as he steps up to Reela's side. "Wait, you're from the Kirix Tribe?" he asks and the woman nods with a sigh.

"Proudly. Though, these days tha' name doesn't mean much more than a target on our backs, after wha' happened in Aramora. But ah ken that look, stranger. Are ye also a Kirix?" she asks and glances between him and Corb, who shakes his head.

Todo nods. "Yes—"

"No," Corb states.

Todo glares back at his brother before turning to look at Panele again. "Yes. We are," he holds out his hand to her. "I'm Todo Val'Dernak, and this is my brother, Corb," he says and the woman balks as she firmly shakes his hand. Reela and Corb both look at Todo with questioning glares, but he keeps his focus on the centaur woman.

"Tickle mah taint. Val'Dernak? Watch ye don't start throwing that name around too much 'ere. Ye'll end up dead afore lunch," she cautions and steps back. "Best ye lay low while ye'r 'ere. Ah heard ye say ye'r looking fur Adaste. She's Sunyu Foorst's healer, but she doesn't tend tae just anybody; she's very picky about her patients. Sae if ye'r trying tae find her, ah wish ye good pumpin' luck," she says and nods her head back towards the city.

"A've got tae get goin', bit if ye need any help while ye'r 'ere, come find me at th' Haggard Halberd - th' Foorst's tavern. 'N' fur fellow Tribe mates, ah will see about getting ye a discount on food 'n' lodging," she flashes Todo a smile. "Especially fur a handsome thing lik' yerself," she winks before turning and walking into the city.

Todo stands silent with redness to his cheeks and Reela snickers as she elbows his side. "Damn, you may not pull bitches, but you sure can pull ponies," she teases and he swats her hand away.

"Shut up!" he pouts and crosses his arms.

Corb growls and glares at his brother. "Wasn't the plan to not tell anyone who we are? Why the hell did you just tell literally the second person we met not only what tribe we're from, but also the fact that we're Val'Dernaks?" he snaps.

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