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You arrive back at UA the next day. All Might greets you the moment you walk into the dorms, smiling brightly with his blue eyes closed. His welcome back is drowned out by the ringing in your ears, and you walk straight passed the guy and into your room.

The moment the door clicks shut you remove your clothes, falling barely covered onto your bed. The mission wasn't all that exhausting and neither did the two boys really need your assistance, but it seems that stress has finally caught up with you enough for your body to shut down. This isn't the first time something like this has happened. There were many moments when Yasuhiro had to pick you up from a mission because of your building exhaustion. Usually, he made Asagiri try his best to heal your tired body, but the man isn't as skilled with his reversed cursed technique as some others, more professional, healers. You end up just as tired, but with a less achy head.

The moment your eyes close and you release the deepest breath from your lungs, you're out, sleeping soundly with no way to wake you up.

All Might had followed you to your room, knocking a couple times while calling your name without any success of getting an answer. The hero is worried. You looked like death, staggering through the halls and barely keeping your head up. Of course, the man had to investigate. So he followed to make sure you're all right. But seeing as you're not responsive, he fears for the worst.

The well-mannered part of him tells him to leave your door closed. He couldn't possibly invade your privacy like that, especially not after you oh so desperately tried to keep your distance from everyone.

The hero in him tells him to step inside, to prioritize your safety and well-being over your privacy and boundaries.

Sure, All Might isn't officially a hero anymore. But just because he's retired now doesn't mean that he can't help people in his own way. So, he opens the door, making sure to peak his head in first to see if you're just waiting out until he leaves by your door. To his demise, you're nowhere in sight by the entrance, forcing the blonde to step in further. A couple steps into your space he sees you almost completely naked with only your underwear on, lying face down on your bed. He flinches upon seeing your still body but relaxes as soon as he can see the faint rise and fall of your back.

Sighing out in big relief, the hero leaves your four walls, being as silent as possible on his way out. Though, he doubts you're going to wake up any time soon. You seemed exhausted enough to sleep through the day. All Might notes to tell Kirishima that you might not make it to his personal training today.


Days later, you're once again waiting in front of the gym when your name is called. And upon turning around you see your red headed student running at you at full speed, arms outstretched and smiling from ear to ear.

The moment he jumps at you, you're out of the way, holding up both hands in defense as he tries to hug you. "I passed the license exam!" From the way he's smiling so brightly while holding the little plastic card into your face, you can tell that this has been a big step in his hero career.


You give him a small smile back. And even though it doesn't reach your eyes, the boy grins even brighter, showing you his sharp teeth with gleaming big red eyes. Of course, you're happy for him. Your student is doing well and getting stronger each day, and each day he gets one step closer to his dream of becoming a hero and part-time sorcerer. But happiness alone isn't going to get his training done, and now that his exam is over you're going to pour your soul into his after-school hours.

"Alright. Let's get to it."

"Ah! Before we start." You wait for him to continue "I might start my work study soon. Basically working under a pro-hero some days after school."

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