5 • despite everything, he smiles

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"Say, All Might. Why are they here?"

Midoriya asks his mentor, stealing glances at your figure. The blonde looks your way, waving slightly when he's caught staring. "They took on Kirishima as a student, so they want to watch his training. Aizawa is also already aware." The boy nods, going back to his training, walking away while looking at you.

In contrast to the other two teachers, you're hunched over sitting on a bench, hands over your mouth while your eyes are fixated on the red head.

Truthfully you're mainly here to see how the other teachers are interacting with the students, wishing to find some tips and tricks that will ease the process of adjusting to teaching a hero in training. You can't possibly train him like a killer, so you'll have to learn how to train him like a normal teacher. And you'll be damned before asking Satoru for help. You'd rather sit still for hours, leaning through watching than asking that bastard.

"Everything all right there?"

While in your head, you completely missed All Might walking over and taking a seat next to you.

"Just thinking."

He hums, looking back to watch the children train amongst each other. His eyes stay a little longer on Kirishima, taking note of all the bruises on his body. "You certainly didn't go easy on him." The blonde can't help but mention it to you, curious how you'll react. "I did too much. So I'm trying to dial back and learn from you and Aizawa." Taken aback he looks at your concentrating face, silently looking over your body. He can't make much of your covered body, wondering if you at least look similar to Kirishima. "Aren't you warm?" He asks. You're covered from head to toe in black and grey, hiding every inch of your skin from the eyes of the students.

"I'm boiling, actually."

"Then dress down maybe?"

"I can't. The kids would ask questions."

Your vague answers irritates the hero only a little, making him wonder about your secrets. And while he's aware that it isn't his business, he can't help but asks.

"About what?"

"You've seen the scars, right? I doubt the students would trust me if they saw them. My body is very unsightly."

The blonde has a pensive look on his face, aware of what you're referring to but with a completely different opinion about the matter. Your scars are heavy, covering most of your skin, he knows that much, he's seen them after all. But scars don't automatically mean something negative, definitely not in Hero society considering how often Pros get injured on live TV.

The retired hero drops the topic there, unsure how to properly approach you about your past. So, the two of you sit in comfortable silence until Aizawa calls for a break and all the kids gather around the edge of the gym, talking amongst each other while drinking water and eating snacks. While the gym is quiet All Might takes his chances to address his curiosity, making sure to stay calm and composed while asking his set of questions.

"If I may, I've been meaning to ask about your family situation. Back at the hospital, you seemed rather tense in the presence of your clan members."

"Didn't the old man already fill you in? Idiot can't keep his mouth shut at times."

All Might grumbles under his breath after you insulted your employer, wondering about your relationship with him.

"He has. But not much, and I still have some questions."

"Shoot me. As long as you can keep a secret."

There is an evil grin on your lips, hoping to intimidate the hero into silence. And while your face does send a shiver down his spine, All Might is persistent in getting to know you. After all, you're taking care of one of his students.

Limitless || BnHA X JJKOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora