"I-I...why is this so hard to believe," Minerva chuckled. "If I loved him, I...well, I would respect his taste in furniture."

"Hm, well, you are a rare girl, Miss Kendrick," Elijah murmured. "I'm hedging my bets, I suppose."

"As you likely should," Penelope said with a little bit of acid in her tone.

"Hm, indeed. Well, Miss Kendrick, your brother asked me to escort you back to his residence," Elijah turned to the group. "I am staying with Michael while the renovations are completed."

He offered Minerva his arm, and she looked at it curiously. "Yes, my lord," she mumbled for no reason but to communicate her acquiescence.


The carriage ride was shrouded in silence until Minerva finally gained her voice. "Why wasn't Michael in attendance?"

"He was at a brothel."


"Yes," he said, looking out the window. "Minerva?"

"Yes, my lord?"

"What is General Jacobson to you?"

"I just met him this afternoon."

"I see. And he was already pawing you?"

"Not pawing..."

"I can see, Minerva," he sneered as the coach stopped.

They entered the townhouse, and Minerva bid him goodnight, ascending the staircase.

"I will be up shortly, love," he said as he walked toward the study.

Minerva was stuck in place as he referred to her as 'love.' She felt this sense of them playing house. As though she was his wife going up for the evening, and he would join her in due time after a nightcap.

But she ignored her heart and proceeded up the stairs. Once inside the darkness of her room, she undressed, put on her nightgown, and unfurled her updo.

She slid between the cool sheets and closed her eyes. She recounted the evening - every detail - in her mind.

When she heard the door adjoining the two rooms open, she ignored the footfall and the mattress shifting.

"Why are you wearing this?" Elijah muttered as his fingers stroked the ribbon on her night rail.

"I wear it to bed, my lord," she whispered to the ceiling. She turned her head to see the man's face in the moonlight. "Why are you here?"

"You know why," he said, lowering the strap off her shoulder.

"No. I just know I can't seem to escape you," Minerva said, turning to her side to face him. "Aren't you afraid I will tell my brother or parents, and they will force marriage upon us?"

"No, love."

"Why is that?"

"Because I do as I please."

"Hm, I imagine that you do."

"And you do as you are told."

"I'm a woman. I have no other option."

"True, my love," he said as he tucked a lock of blonde hair behind her ear. "But you follow my instructions so prettily."

"Prettily?" she scoffed. "I am tired, my lord."

"I know," he said and softly kissed her lips. His hand wrapped around her thigh and lifted it to his hip bone. "Just a little fucking, love."

"Eli," she sighed as his fingers rubbed her center.

"You need it, darling."

She couldn't deny his statement, especially as he tore the drawers covering her apex. When he rolled on top of her, he held himself up to hover over her prone body.

Elijah began to kiss her like it was this first and last. And Minerva poured her feelings into the bruising kiss. She felt the tip of his cock prod her entrance as his hand began to feel her breasts. It was an overwhelming feeling of need that washed over her. Her hips bucked, and the tip pushed in; similar to the first and last time they fucked, the entry was slow and measured.

Elijah stopped his dirty talk and concentrated on the rhythm they created between their thrusts and breathing. His hands were in her hair as his elbows flanked her head on the pillow.

He pulled back from the kiss to watch her face as need flooded her and her legs wrapped around his relatively narrow hips.

Minerva was the first to crack as her orgasm took over her movements. Elijah followed shortly behind her as he unloaded his cum as far inside her as he could go.

He gave her small kisses as he recovered, then slid over to his side. "How are you not married?" he asked almost rhetorically.

"Hm? Oh, well, I've been asked by a few men..."

Elijah's head came up to look at her. "What? I don't understand."

She giggled. "I'm not single from the lack of interest. My first season was quite a success. Two proposals and one proclamation of undying love. My next..."


"Mmhm, and the next year it was only one, but I hardly count him because he was Prinny's bosom friend..."

"A royal confidant?"

"Yes, and this year Thomas asked me three times. He is persistent. Did you think I was too unattractive...?"

"Holy shit... I just figured... Hell, I don't know what I figured."

"Yes, well, they were boring to me."

"But you fucked me... I don't understand..."

"It is quite simple, really. I find you very appealing, and the only man who has unequivocally said he would never marry me. Perhaps you are the conquest, my lord."

"Well, that seems to change things, doesn't it?"

"I'm not sure...."

"Don't worry yourself with it, love."

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