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Thoughts- bold
Albus pov

Today was the day.

Albus was in charge of two students from the rival schools. A boy from Durmstrang Institute and a girl from Beauxbatons Magic Academy. He was only informed that they had met before and the Durmstrang boys surname was Grindelwald and the Beauxbatons girls surname was Morningstar.

It was too early for Albus but he pushed through and stood at the entrance to the Great Hall with the other Hogwarts students who were instructed to help the other students.

"Albus!". Ah yes, nothing like Chesters high-pitched squeaky voice to lift his mood in the morning. Albus smiled and waved at the younger boy. As Albus was a prefect he had to look after everyone in Gryffindor Tower, Chester was a third year whose voice hadn't dropped so he got bullied a lot.

He was chosen to look after a group of first years from Beauxbatons. He was surprisingly easy to grow attached to.

The boy came running and tackled Albus into a hug. "You've got the troubled over-powered ones according to Professor Hills" He said looking Albus directly in the eyes. Albus chuckled, "Yes I thought they might give me the troubled ones".

Suddenly, Chester tensed and waves goodbye.

"Are you Monsieur Dumbledore?" A French accent spoke from behind him. Albus jumped and turned around the see two very beautiful people one in Durmstrang uniform and the other in Beauxbatons uniform. He nodded and tilted his head. "Miss Morningstar?" He asked and the girl frowned and nodded "Yes" . She then leaned slightly against the taller blonde boy who smirked at her. "And you must be Mr Grindelwald?". The boy turned his attention to Albus and simply nodded.

Miss Morningstar pinched his arm. "Be social Gellert" She sounded so assertive and Grindelwald.. Gellert sighed. "Yes I am. You can call me Gellert, no need to be formal". Albus' heart squeezed and his lungs tightened. His English was so adorable. "Right of course, my apologies, I'm Albus" He said after composing himself. "Oui, Gellert tu es un si bon garçon", Gellert shot Miss Morningstar a funny look. "I do not speak French Niamh" He said, "Could you please translate". Albus giggled a little. Niamh smirked, "Albus parles tu français??". "Oui je parle français" Albus responded. He then turned to Gellert. "She called you a good boy" He said with a smile.

Gellert glared at the girl which sent shivers down Albus' spine. "Dummes Mädchen, du nervst mich". Ah so Gellert wasn't Russian like most of the students at Dumstrang. He spoke a completely different language. "Gellert, no one other than you understood that" Niamh said, obviously not affected by the deadly glare coming from the blonde. "My apologies, I forgot German is not studied at posh butterfly school".

Ah so Gellert was German. I've always wanted to visit Germany.

"ALBUS PERCIVAL WULFRIC BRIAN DUMBLEDORE!" Albus shrunk away and his himself behind two students. "I KNOW YOU HEARD ME! WHERE DID YOU HIDE MY QUILL?! AND MY TIE?!". Albus let out a nervous "Eep". Gellert and Niamh both grabbed their wands and held them up at the source of the noise.

Albus jumped out and shook his head. They'd only known each other a couple minutes and they were defending him?

"He's my brother, apologies you two" Albus said with a sigh. He then turned to Aberforth, "I didn't take your stuff Abe, ask Elphias he may have seen them". The younger Dumbledore sighed and turned away.

"He doesn't seem to like you much" Niamh spoke but her French accent had completely disintegrated and was now a strong Irish accent. "If your teacher hears you speaking your accent she will whip you" Gellert said putting his wand away and pulling a book from his cape. Albus blinked and looked at Niamh. "How?". The girl just shrugged, "Apparently he never travels without literature".

"It's good to be well educated unlike some folk, who I caught dancing in the hallways like a whore" Gellert spat and kicked Niamh in the shin. "Ow for fecks sake Gellert that hurt" Niamh whined.

I think I'm going to like these two.

Albus felt a tug at his sleeve. "Little man" Gellert noted then went back to reading. "Ah yes the one Gellert scared off with his scary ugly face". Albus sighed and turned to see Chester looking all flustered. "What's wrong Chester?" Albus asked gently. "They said they like my voice" Chester squeaked.

Gellert snickered which caused Albus to snap his neck at him and Gellert looked up. "Hm? Funny part in book? Sorry" He said then turned to Niamh and squeaked.

"Meanie" Chester pouted then pointed at the large group of Beauxbatons girls, "The pretty French girls".

"Oi, watch your mouth, the one with the blue ribbon is my sister" Niamh said before leaning into Gellert.

Albus concluded that the two of them were closer than acquaintances.

"Well then since we have all day together, otherwise I'll be in the dungeons for detention, why don't I give you a tour?".

The two looked at each other and nodded. "Tour would be nice, thank you Albus" Gellert said and he grinned.

Albus could have sworn his heart skipped a beat. Wow okay this is new.

And so the three of them went around the castle grounds.

Gellert only paid attention when he had read about something they had passed.

Niamh stopped every time she saw a creature to communicate with it.

How could these two sweeties be their schools most troubled and dangerous students?

A foolish question, but Albus couldn't see anything wrong with them. They were both well-mannered, very polite and by far the softest things he'd ever had the pleasure of meeting. To him it was like walking around the grounds with two angels.

Niamh began to hum a tune with a pygmypuff that she had found and was now attached to. The gentle song nearly put Albus to sleep on the spot. This just reaffirmed Albus' thoughts that these people were sent from the heavens.


Oui, Gellert tu es un si bon garçon: Yes, Gellert you are a good boy.

Albus parles tu français??: Albus do you speak French??

Oui je parle français: Yes, I speak French

Dummes Mädchen, du nervst mich: Idiot girl, you annoy me. *German from Google Translate, I apologise if its wrong, please correct it if it is*


Grindledore is my all time favourite Harry Potter ship.

In this AU, the Triwizard Tournament is taking place and being hosted at Hogwarts. Gellert hasn't been expelled yet. They are friendly with a girl called Niamh who is actually the child of Satan. Niamh actually prefers to be known as Isaac and he/him pronouns but as it is 1898 the love of any lgbtq+ behaviour is not welcomed by anyone. The two boys meet once more in the summer of 1899 *sobs* and everything happens sort of like cannon from then on, just a whole lot gayer.

If you have any suggestions please leave a comment on them and I will try to add them into the story.


Taylor Isaac McDonnell:]

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