Then the announcer announced Gertha. Gerta's ugly ass came walking. When she entered the ring the audience erupted in cheers too.

Sharita helped me take off my robe and my shirt. And David put the mouthpiece in my mouth.

My mouthpiece was black with Jakeem's initials written on it in red. which were J.M.K. The M was for Malik cuz his full name was Jakeem Malik Kingston.

The outfit:

( Pretend there is written J

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( Pretend there is written J.K.M on her wasteband)

The referee called for us to come to the middle which we did.

He turned to Gerta "Are you ready" he asked she said "Always" she said and smirked at me. Then the referee turned to me. "Are you ready" on which I answered with "Born ready" with a devilish smirk on my face.

She tried to spud me but I just looked at it and walked to my corner. "Fight!" with that the match had started. Gerta and I both walked to the middle we circled each other until Gerta tried to throw a punch to me which I blocked and gave her a fist to the gut.

She then gave me a lowkick. I Gave her a highkick which she blocked then she lowkicked me again. I gave her a punch to the face and she walked backwards so I cornered her and threw punched at her. Until the referee came and pulled me away from her.

He began counting to 10 which means she had a T.K.O. she signalled that the was ok so he continued the match.

She came and threw 2 punches to my gut, I then gave her a right hook which made her dizzy and gave her a bloody nose.

The bell rang which meant that the first round was over. I walked over to my corner and sat down I saw Sharita staring down at my body with hurt in her eyes. I wanted to ask what was wrong but the referee called for us to come back.

We started again Gerta threw a combo right and left hook then a lowkick I blocked the hooks but the lowkick landed on the back of my knee. The referee gave her a warning.

I limped a bit but I tried to cover it up by just hopping around. Then out of no where she gave me a elbow to my nose which gave me a bloody nose.

Again she got a warning. The medic came and tried to clean me up but I just pulled my face away and said that I was fine.

I walked back again and I gave her some punches to the gut. Then I gave her a right hook which she blocked.

I went in for a spinning back fist but the bel rang so I walked to my corner David gave me some tips. Then he whispered something in my ear.

"You gotta do your signature move alright" I nodded and walked to the middle.

The fight began again I jumped in the air made a roundhouse kick to her face. She immediately fell to the ground. The referee pulled me away from her and began counting down from 10 again.

She got up impressive she tried to give me a highkick to my face at the moment she pulled her foot up I lowkicked her other foot what made her loose balance and fall down she got up immediately. She was limping like mad.

Gertha threw a right hook to my gut and a lowkick to the back of my knee. I got mad as fuck. If only the bell didn't ring she would've been death by now.

"Come on Armani you got her just a couple punches to the gut a couple lowkicks and highkicks, you gotta try and corner her yeah" David told me while patting my back and sharita was giving me some water.

"Yeahh believe me that's not the only damage that will be done tonight" with that I walked to the middle and waited for Gertha cuz her nose was bleeding and she had a couple cuts on her face that had to be cleaned.

It was only now that I realised that the squad and the audience where screaming my name.

Gertha came back I hopped around to distract her and the I jumped and gave her a knee to her face. She stumbled backwards I cornered her she then kneed me in my stomach. I backed a bit then I lowkicked her on the back of her knee and she let out a loud grunt it was almost a scream.

Then I gave her a right hook. To the jaw and a loud crack was heard what was followed by a loud scream from her. Her jaw was broken but she kept fighting. I only smiled at the sound of her bones breaking.

She gave me a left hook to my gut I then gave her a knee to the face and again something cracked. Guess what her nose broke.

The referee signed that the match was done. I had won. "WINNER BY 2 K.O'S AND 2 T.K.O'S THE KILLER QUEENNNN" and Filly's song played again. I had won. Well duhh I always win but I fucking won.

David, Sharita and the Squad jumped inside and began lifting me up and congratulate me.

The announcer came to me and began talking about the match. "So Armani you played a great match, and not only just a match you are the new Champion. How does it feel"

"Notting special" I said dryly. "So you're the new champion and you don't feel special?" he asked me with disbelieve.

"Yup." I said dryly and popping the P. I then walked away with David, Sharita and the squad behind me.

While I was walking back to the changing room I heard someone calling my name.

1603 words


Thank u for reading love <33


𝕓𝕝𝕒𝕔𝕜 𝕤𝕚𝕝𝕜 // ℕ𝕚𝕜𝕠 𝕆𝕞𝕚𝕝𝕒𝕟𝕒Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora