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Armani's Pov:

Saturday 08:40P.M.

I heard someone calling my name. so I turned around only to be met with the Gerta bitch how tf can she even talk didn't I break her jaw?

She came walking over to me with her little 'crew' she really felt her self or sum. "Congratulations with your 'win'. You know I just went easy on you cuz you are new to this shit and all eventually I will win that title back" Before I could say something back Jada did already.

"Now you're lying cuz if you want to win the title back it means you care about the title so you wouldn't go easy on her to lose something so 'big'" Now see Jada is a real one but I can handle my own fights. Did it back then and will do it now too.

"yeah yeah whatever" and with that she left with her crew following her. "That bitch wants to die fr" Kenny said. "Fr I would be happy to kill her tho" I said while everyone else laughs.

"hahah alright guys imma go get dressed" I left them and walked inside the changing room.

Sharita's Pov:

When I helped Armani take off her shirt I saw a lot of scars I couldn't take my eyes from her just the fact she had to go through that all. I mean I knew about her lifestyle but she never allowed me or someone else to interfere with her life.

So once I saw those scars I was shocked. She is a strong, independent and smart young woman you see, one time when she was 13 she came over limping a bit so when I asked her what happened she told me not to worry until I saw blood stains on her pants. She had a wound it looked like a stab wound. I got the first aid kit,

But she didn't let me clean it up. She did it all by her self. She cleaned her wound and stitched her self up. Or this other time when one of her gang members got shot she came over to me and again she cleaned him up and stitched him up.

But to see all these scars made my heartbreak. She never wanted to talk about her past. I know for sure that most of those scars aren't even from the life she lived. More than the half of these scars come from her stepdad that was abusive towards her.

But I wasn't the only one who seemed to notice them Jada did too cuz when Armani played her match I saw Jada looking concerned to me and back to Armani. Jada is a good friend I can see that, I hope Armani does too cuz I know how she can get.

Jada's Pov:

When Armani left to get changed I walked over to Sharita I wanted to ask her if we needed to go check up on Armani. "Hey Sharita should we go check up on Armani" "If you want to sure" and with that we walked over to the changing room and knocked on the door.

Armani's Pov:

I heard a someone knocking on the door so when I walked over and opened the door I was met with Jada and Sharita. I let them in and went back to getting changed. Until Jada spoke up.

"Hey Mani you good?" "uh yeah why u asking?" I was genuinely confused cuz I wasn't hurt or anything.

"Oh uh yeah Gerta had landed a couple of hard punches so I may thought you was hurt or sum" Something was off but I just ignored it.

"Yeah I'm good" I went to my bag and grabbed the clothes I would get changed in and I almost forgot about my gun and Sharita noticed.

"Uh Jada I think we should go and let her change innit" she a saver. "Yeah alright" with that they left what where they acting weird for tf. when I walked over to the mirror to check my self out for wounds and that it all clicked.

𝕓𝕝𝕒𝕔𝕜 𝕤𝕚𝕝𝕜 // ℕ𝕚𝕜𝕠 𝕆𝕞𝕚𝕝𝕒𝕟𝕒Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ