Chapter 28 - Hu Tao

Start from the beginning

After realising this will not be easy, Overhaul made a very strong and condensed suit of metal armour and a weapon comfortable for him before also jumping towards her.

They met in the sky and swung at each other, but since neither can fly, they both were forcefully pushed into the other direction.

Repositioning herself on a little boulder flown into the sky, she located him on the ground 100 meters away.

Looking at him, she smiled before jumping higher into the air.

Overhaul was alarmed by this, so he prepared himself and constructed an impressive fortress/shield made of earth, metal and other minerals.

When the first layer was assembled, they were squished into each other, forming a thinner but more dense and compact layer, and this process repeated itself many times until a genuinely strong wall was constructed over him.

Under it, he also prepared a counter-attack of his own.

Hu Tao in the sky, unaffected by such a high distance from the ground, looked calmly at his shenanigans, and her grip on her spear strengthened.

The orb began to glow and a shell of flames spread around her.

The heat then condensed at her heart, before forming a beautiful shape.

Then, the exact same flames spread behind her and formed majestic butterfly wings.

It looked more like a work of art to be appreciated than a battle form, but nevertheless she used it.

Especially in the sky, it brought out it's hidden beauty, and a soft warm glow resounded of it. With these wings, she could still not fly, but balancing and hovering in the air became possible. In other words, she could not go higher, but can remain at her current altitude indefinitely.

She eyed the now-finished fortress, and prepared herself.


The wings glowed brighter than ever, and her spear was now completely unrecognisable due to the sheer intensity of the fire.

With one swift burst, she pulled up her spear, and the flame became a pillar to the sky before she dived down, causing a red-arc to burn in the sky.


As the clouds were dyed red, her body became a passing blur as she picked up speed and not even seconds later, she collided with the shield.

Still with her confident and natural smile, her weapon and body forcefully burnt a hole in the layers of material.

And 1...


The ground shook, and a massive thick tornado wrapped around the air and towered into the sky.

It was not made of wind, but fire. The entire thing was bright red and lasted a few seconds before it started to dissipate from the top.

As the crater was revealed, Hu Tao could be seen standing over Overhaul, and he was currently unrecognisable from the debris and charred dust that landed on him.

However, Hu Tao looked perfectly fine and she was even shining. Her brilliance topped all the dust that was slowly falling back to the ground after it was brought up by the tornado.

Grabbing his body, with a couple leaps she came back to the actual criminal building, or what's left of it, and after seeing their defeated boss and being absolutely hopeless, the rest could only surrender themselves to her.

That's the 29th one! I'm on a role!


Since her first mission due to the system, she knew that she was definitely weaker compared to the others.

Maybe it wasn't her fault, but the truth was there nonetheless.

So, when she returned, she immediately asked others how to train and how to become stronger.

It was then that she was told to weaken herself and train the basics. This was why she always fought with no artifacts on. Not only does it train purely her technique, but also her battle sense and instinct.

After doing this for some time, she has regained her confidence and always fought battles without artifacts on to challenge herself, which results in her becoming much more stronger and confident physically and mentally.

And with the help of some of the rewards due to the system, she has now gotten stronger than ever.


"Well done as always Hu Tao!"


The officers cleaned up the scene and she escorted the criminals to the prison.

After making sure they were safely locked behind bars, an officer came up to her and told her to meet their chief in a meeting room.

"Sorry to inform you of this after asking for you to raid organisations, but please could you hear me out?"

"Huh? Sure! What do you want?!" She was as cheerful as always.

"There's a villain going around, by the name of 'Hero-Killer'"

"Hero killer? What an arrogant sounding name!"

"Indeed, but he has caused a lot of trouble for lots of heroes. Please may you have a look for him and if you come across him, report it and defeat him?"

"If I come across him sure! Japan's quite big though so it might not happen for some time."

"No problem. I can rest assured if you are on the case."

And with that, she left and went to her house, or their house.

As she opened the door, a familiar smell of beef entered her nose as she immediately lost all sense of dignity and jumped at the food.

"Slow down will ya?"

"Hmdmb" She then choked on her food.

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