It reminded him of yesterdays fight.

Michael will forever be hooked on that moment.

Calums going to fucking murder him in the ring tomorrow, that was for certain.

"Glad you were smart enough to meet us here, we weren't about to go chase your ass all over New York." The bleeding man muttered, looking Michael over before turning to make his exit out the alleyway.

"And if you three knew what was good for you, you'd quit the laughing and start walking," Calum spoke louder, trying to grab the attention of a stunned Michael and his two giggly companions.

"you know what happened last time we were late." he finished, voice dipping down as the two stopped giggling. They all seemed to recall a certain memory, one that allowed a tense silence to surround them in the cold alleyway.

Michael felt like such an outsider, locked out from that portion.. from majority of their lives.

Luke hummed as he nodded his head towards the busy streets, watching Ashton make his way to join Calum on the sidewalks. "Better get going, kid." he suggested, allowing for Michael to walk in front of him.

He wanted to keep a close eye on him tonight seeing as it's his first outing with them, first outing at all within the past few weeks.

As the four walked down the bustling streets of New York, watching people all dressed up heading to dinners or teenagers experiencing their first love and running through the streets, it only now seemed to click for Michael to ask about their destination.

"So.. where exactly are we going?" he spoke up, breaking the once comfortable silence. Calum grinned as he tucked his hands into his long black coat. "A bar." he responded simply.

He kept his answer vague, not wanting to startle the youngest fighter off so soon.

"A .. bar? Since when did you three consider me a drinking buddy?" he questioned curiously, hands pressing into the pockets of his own jeans, trying to keep them warm.

Where they all had warmer attire on, Michael was dressed for the summer.

He couldn't afford anything else.

Ashton chuckled and shook his head, slowing his pace down to match Michaels smaller but quicker steps. He glanced over at him, noticing the way the cold nipped at his nose and cheeks.

His face was going a rosy pink which contrasted beautifully against his pale skin and Ashton absolutely fucking loathed it.

"Last time we checked, princess, you're underage." he inquired. Calum and Luke stifled a laugh at Michaels baffled expression.

He was one year off from the legal drinking age, surely they wouldn't use that against him?

He wouldn't be surprised if they did.

The oldest man let out a chuckle at the boys expression before shaking his head, directing his gaze forwards again. "We're meeting someone there, angel. Consider this part of your training."

"Training? What about going to a bar and meeting some stranger is considered training?" Michael retorted, pulling his hands from his pockets to create air quotes with his stiff fingers.

"Someone who signs your pay-checks, and from the way you're shivering, God knows ya' need one" the blonde man cut in, watching every step Michael took from behind.

He noticed the way his shoulders would shutter when the cold settled deeper in his lungs, how flat his hands would lay in his shallow jean pockets to try and keep them warm.

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