CHAPTER 21 : Her Life, His Life.

Start from the beginning

I will blow that oldie's head off with the next story.

Fine if he wants the affair stories, Ariana Lincoln knows how to get stories just because I don't doesn't mean I don't have gossip stories.

I started looking for some famous person to search a story about him and to blow his mind with my story.

The whole day I spent searching but I was unsuccessful. I did get two to three people but I don't wanna get into these people again. The consequences didn't turn out in my favour the last few times.

So I skipped them.

At the end of the day I was going to head back home from work when the boss stopped me.

"Since you won't be able to get me a story, I'll tell you the person you have to work on and you'll follow my orders."


"I think that's better. Then you won't be disappointed anymore."

"Oh dear, I fear I would still be disappointed."

"You know, I am not that bad at my job."

"We'll see about that. I'll tell you tomorrow who you have to work on, for now you can leave."

"Okay." I left the office. Whoever it is, it's better he gives me the name to work on, and I don't have to do it myself at least.

On my way back home, I went to a grocery shop to get a few things for the preparation of cookies. Once I was done shopping, I headed for home.

I rang the doorbell, Lucia opened the door.

"How was your day?" She asked.

"Hectic af."

She laughed at my comment.

"Hope you didn't have a hectic one."

She sighed but didn't reply. Then she said "Time for me to leave now. See ya on Monday."


She left and I entered the house, closing the door.

"Just so you know, it's not you who always gets scolded." I spoke.

And the reply came sooner than I expected. "But how did you know I was scolded today?"

"Caught ya!" I turned back to see him on the couch sitting stuffing chocolate in his mouth. "Meaning you were scolded again."

He covered his mouth with his hands "Oops!"

I stood with hands on my waist glaring playfully at my little baby.


"What would I do? That lady hates me."

I rolled my eyes, making my way to the bedroom. He got off the couch and followed me inside the room.

"Mommy I promise, this time I just played a bubble gum prank. How would've I known it would get stuck in Mrs. Banks hands."

"No you didn't."

"I promise Mommy, it was for that evil boy Deril."

"Shut up, Ian!"

He shut his mouth and looked down making a guilty face. I kneeled in front of him and pinched his cheek.

"Why do you create problems? Do you like to get scolded?"

He shook his head "But other kids too do these pranks but I always get caught."

"That's because you don't know how to do pranks. Try learning first."

He pouted "But I watch videos on how to prank people."

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