Snapshot - Isaac lahey x male reader

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"Oh won't you smile for me?" His smile was wide and brilliant. Breathtaking. It made Isaac shift, awkward, feeling his body go stiff as his mind went blank.

God, Y/n would the death of him.

"Why?" He grumbled, trying to play uninterested like he always did. Easier that way, he reminded himself. No one could get close. He couldn't be let down again, not after everything he-

"Because you're pretty when you smile."

Isaac jerked, then cleared his throat, feeling his face burn. "I'm a guy. Aren't I supposed to be handsome?"

Y/n wore a coy smile. "Aren't art pieces always described as pretty?" He shrugged and Isaac felt the need to bolt. But that would have looked suspicious, so he didn't. "I don't know why pretty is reserved for women when men can be art as well. It's an adjective - describes anyone. Anything. Dictionary definition says nothing about boys not being able to be pretty.

God he was smart too. Kill me now.

It had been like this for three and a half weeks now. It had all started when Isaac and Y/n had met by accident. Isaac was overwhelmed by all the smells and sounds that were jumping out at him after a particularly rough morning that had followed an even rougher weekend with his dad. He'd come to school thinking that it would be his favorite day, like every Monday was, because it meant he could be away from home and focus on something more pleasant and also more important. But it had been too much, the time that had come before school. And he had carried that with him, every noise and touch and look and demanding question as teachers took pleasure in catching him off guard and making him look like an idiot.

So, for lunch, he'd gone out to the field and hidden under the bleachers to get some peace and quiet like he used to before he was a wolf. Before he was part of Derek's pack. Before his life had gotten a little better and a lot more stressful. Or, that had been the plan anyway. When he got there, someone else was already curled in the soft grass, eyes close and body completely relaxed. The boy's arms were stretched out ahead of him, fingers open and almost reaching for a camera that had been abandoned.

It seemed like the person had fallen asleep while looking at or taking pictures, or maybe just holding the camera with no purpose. Isaac had woken the person up and had been instantly stolen of all ability to speak or think or even breathe as the most beautiful eyes opened. The boy made the cutest expression Isaac had ever seen - part confused and part disappointed, but also part happy. There was a small smile mixed with foggy gazes and knitted eyebrows. The boy slowly looked at Isaac and spoke. "I'm sorry. Am I in your spot?"

His voice was so... scratchy. It was like sex.

Isaac swallowed. "No. No sorry." He'd gone to leave but then the boy had sat up, insisting he stay, and they had begun talking after Isaac had hesitantly agreed. Ever since then, Isaac and Y/n had been very close. It was perfectly casual between them, and neither had any problem with talking about whatever, or just sitting in silence if either needed that.

They were quite similar. Both tending to be quiet and withdrawn if given the chance. Y/n saw right through Isaac's little show of swagger and confidence, and tended to hug him if he tried too hard, as if knowing he was doing it to try and deflect how terrible he felt. They could be real with each other, no expectations. It was like nothing else Isaac had ever felt.

Then one day, things had shifted. Just a little. Small enough that Isaac hadn't really noticed it for a while. He knew that slowly they started to look at each other longer, even when neither of them were talking. They drifted closer, leaning against each other or resting a head on the other person's shoulder, or laying in a lap, or just really anything to be touching. Isaac had gotten into the habit of just continually resting his arm across the back of Y/n's shoulders. They invaded each other's space constantly. They memorized each other's orders for all the different places they went to get food, and if one of them was without something to eat, there was no scene made if one of them stole a bit from the other. It was drastically different than how Isaac acted with anyone else and it wasn't long before others had started to notice.

"You should ask him out," Erica had hummed one day, looking at her nails.

"Who?" Isaac had asked, eyebrows coming together in confusion.

"Y/n," Erica had responded like it was the most obvious thing ever.

Boyd nodded. "You two have something special, and neither of you are hiding it. Kind of refreshing to see actually."

Derek had raised an eyebrow. "Who's Y/n?"

Isaac had been glaring at Erica when the question had been asked, so when he looked over his face still had traces of annoyance, as did his voice. "My friend. I met him under the bleachers about a month ago. We're just friends though."

After that, even those from Scott's pack had begun to play at hinting for Isaac to make moves on Y/n. While they were fighting and taunting each other, Stiles made a snide comment about "his boyfriend" to Isaac, and somehow Isaac knew immediately who he was talking about.

Even outside of fighting when Scott tried to convince Erica and Isaac to be more careful, he said something that got under Isaac's skin. "What would Y/n think about all of this? Because if he had to pick sides, I don't think he'd pick Derek's."

He'd been handling it all well, he thought. Through all of that he'd bee able to keep denying his feelings and push away anything close to daydreams... unless he was really out of it and super bored and wanted to go to some sort of happy place, where he would return to that first day under the bleachers, except... every time he went there, Y/n and Isaac always ended up kissing. Despite all of the others' prodding and the weird thoughts he could never totally shake, he could convince himself he didn't feel that way toward Y/n.

Then Y/n had started flirting with him.

And now they were here.

Isaac tried to keep that line between them and two boys in love clearly, but every time he did Y/n danced around him as he drew with chalk, crossing the line before he could finish. Or sometimes stepping right over it, grinning smugly, arms crossed over his chest in teasing playfulness. Isaac couldn't friendzone Y/n if he tried, and Y/n wasn't giving any room to even try.

"Hey there Handsome." Isaac felt his face heat up as Y/n moved into his view. The other boy had an adoring expression on his face.

The thing was, Y/n was really never like this with anyone else. He was usually really shy and reserved. The two had been open from the start, allowing them to bypass anxiety and shyness pretty quickly. So Isaac couldn't tell if this was a secret side to Y/n that he couldn't get the confidence to use on anyone else, or if he was actually flirting because he was interested. It would be Isaac's luck that Y/n though the flirting was platonic and fun and meaningless while Isaac was losing his whole shit every time it happened.

"Hey." His voice cracked when he said it so he cleared his throat. "What's up, Y/n?"

There seemed to be slight disappointment that colored Y/n's eyes. "Nothing much. I was just thinking about you so I thought I'd pop over and say hello to my favorite curly haired high schooler." He reached up, running a hand through Isaac's hair.

God Isaac almost lost all of his cool right in the middle of the damn hallway. There was nothing he liked more than having his hair played with, and he had imagined the feeling of Y/n's hands combing through the strands hundreds of times but none of it had prepared him for reality.

Suddenly his body was hot and his mind was foggy and the bell was ringing for class to start and Isaac had had enough. He looked around quickly for anything, and then grabbed Y/n's hand when he saw a janitorial closet, puling them both inside and locking the door. He rounded on Y/n. "Isaac-?"

"Do you understand how incredible you are?" Isaac demanded. "I never fail when I need to get my shit under control. I learned a long time ago how to seem calm and collected when everything else inside is burning to the ground. I can do it with anyone and everyone else and then you come within five feet of me and I'm a mess. Jesus Y/n please tell me that you understand how much I want to kiss you at literally all times and how absolutely insane it's driving me."

For a second, Y/n was stunned. Then, slowly, the biggest grin Isaac had ever seen bloomed on and Y/n reached up, grabbing Isaac by the collar and pulling him into a heated kiss.

The rest, I suppose, is history.

teen wolf x male reader/Actor x male reader(not my works)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu