Scott Mccall x Male reader (Y/N Argent), past Allison Argent x Scott Mccall

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Y/N knew that Scott wasn't with him for the right reasons, he knew Scott was dating him as a replacement for his sister. After Allison death Scott was a mess, he could barely keep control over his shift. So, Y/N had offered comfort had given Scott a shoulder to cry one, and someone to talk to about her.

After a year Scott seemed to get better. He and Y/N had grown closer in the after math of it all and began dating. But it always felt like Scott wanted him to be Allison like he was always looking for her in him.

It eventually became too much for him causing a blow out between them

"I'm not her Scott!"

Scott eyebrows scrunch together "what are you talking about?"

"I'm not my sister!"

"I know you're not Y/N" Scott replies as he tries to touch Y/N's shoulder but Y/N brushes it off

"Do You really? , because sometimes when you look at me it's like you're looking for her".

Scott doesn't move, he just watches as Y/N paces across his bedroom floor

"Everyone wants me to be her, but I can't be!" Y/N turns to look at Scott with tears in his eyes

"You know, sometimes dad looks at me like he wishes it was her here instead of me". Y/N say shakily he uses the back of his hand to wipe the tears that fall down his face.

"Sometimes I want the same thing, then maybe I wouldn't be a huge disappointment for everyone" Y/N whispers looking at the floor.

Scott walks over to him and pulls Y/N into his arms. Y/N doesn't fight it this time, he falls into the embrace and sobs. Scott tightens his grip around his crying boyfriend " I got you, I got you" Scott whisper against the crown of Y/Ns hair.

Scott doesn't know how long they stand there together before Y/N's sobs turn into quiet sniffs and hiccups.

"Y/N ?" if Scott wasn't supernatural, he wouldn't be able to hear the small reply that Y/N gave him.

" let's sit down" Scott Guides them both to sit on his bed Y/N doesn't look at him. He keeps his gaze to the floor.

" Y/N, I loved Allison and that won't every change but I love you too and not because you're her brother"

Scott put his hand against Y/N's cheek to make him look at him " I love you because you're funny and you have the cutest smile and how sometimes when you laugh you forget to breathe so you end up making snorting noises"

Y/N lets a wet giggle and Scott loves it " I'd be crazy if I didn't love you"

" you mean it?"

Scott nods as he leans his forehead against Y/N's " I promise I do"


" we do need to tell your dad about what you said" Scott said pulling away to look at him

" do we have too?"

" yes he needs to know" Scott reasons

Y/N lets out a yawn "fine but first I want a nap"

Scott watches as Y/N gets up and walks to get into bed, Y/N turns to him "are you coming?"

" I'm coming "

As Scott lays next to the sleeping teen watching him, he thinks about how long Y/N had kept all his emotions hidden. How Y/N had helped everyone else deal with the tragic death of his sister instead of grieving himself. Now that he knew Y/N had been hurting without him noticing it. He promised he would do better for him

teen wolf x male reader/Actor x male reader(not my works)Where stories live. Discover now