Ironic, Isn't it?

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5 minutes before

Ahri Pov


That was a goodnight of sleep. I got out of my bed, washed my face, and brushed my teeth. I look out my window and saw that it was a beautiful day. I exited my room and saw Akali and Kai'sa exiting their room as well.

Ahri: Morning.

Akali: Morning Ahri, Akali

Kai'sa: Morning Akali, Ahri.

Akali: Wait where is Eve? Is she still sleeping?

Ahri: But Eve always wakes up early like you Kai'sa.

Kai'sa: That's true. Let's go to her room and wake her up.

We then went to her room. I knocked on her door but there was no answer. Strange. Akali opens the door and we saw Eve turning and sweating a lot.

Eve: *sleep talking* P-please D-death.

Ahri: She is having a nightmare. Akali wake her up.

She went to Eve's side and shook her. Eve woke up.

Akali: What's wrong Eve?

Eve said nothing but hugged us. She was crying hard. We just hugged her back.

Ahri: Eve. Why were you crying?

Eve: It was nothing. Just had a terrible nightmare.

Kai'sa: Want to talk about it?

Eve: Not right now. Maybe later.

Ahri: Alright Eve. If you ever want to talk to us, just let us know. We will help you.

Eve: Thank you. I do have the friends who care about me. I don't deserve this.

Akali: Why are you saying it like that?

Eve: I just......

She paused.

Eve:.....nevermind. So what are you girls going to do today?

Ahri: I was planning on visiting my parents.

Kai'sa: Going to the dance club. You could join me Eve.

Akali: Just going to Ekko's house. Hanging out with True Damage.

Eve: I'll join you Kai'sa. But I need to make a call. We need someone to fix the electricity.

Ahri: We could go to pantheon's bakery for breakfast.

Eve: We will go after I am done with the call.

Evelynn then makes a call to the electronic company. We just wait while she talks. I want to know what kind of nightmare she witnessed. What made Eve cry?

Eve: Alright I am done. Let's go to the bakery.

The four of us changed into our normal attire. We got our purses and went to our car. Braum was on vacation. While on the drive, there was a driver who was swerving left and right to get away from the police.

Eve Pov

I saw up ahead that the guy, who was being chased by the police, doesn't see that he was going to crash into us.


I froze. I look to my right and saw the wolf vastaya from my nightmare last night. He was standing on the crosswalk. As if it was slow motion, he was smiling at me. I knew what that smile meant. He was waiting for me to make a mistake that will cost me and the girl's life.

I decided to take just take a hard stop. The guy in front of us made a hard stop as well. The bumper of our cars touched. It was a small touch.

Eve: Are you girls okay?!

I look at the other three. Lost at words. They just nodded. I need to protect them at all costs. I look back to see if he was there but he disappeared.

After the whole experience we went to the bakery. I picked a cupcake. Ahri picked bingu, Akali picked gyeran-ppang, and Kai'sa picked Melktert.

We ate our breakfast in silence, still shocked. After we finished our breakfast. We went on with our day. I pray to God that nothing happens to Ahri.

Ahri Pov

I went to a cemetery. My parents died in a fire. Before going here I picked up some flowers. I put the flowers on their graves.

Ahri: Hey ma. Pa. How are you? That's good. Oh, I am doing good. No ma. I haven't found a boyfriend yet. I missed you. I wish you were here with me.

*clap* *clap* *clap*

???: Oh that was so sad. Almost made me cry. Key word almost. I am really sorry to crash with your parents who are dead all because of you.

Ahri: Who are you?

The sky darkens.

???: Does it matter? What matters is you Ahri! Nine-tail fox with nine lives. Ironic, isn't it?

Ahri: How did you know?

???: I was there to witness all of them. Each frivolous end. From committing suicide to being killed by your best friend.

Ahri: *gasp* W-H-AT!

???: But you didn't even notice me because you, Ahri, laughs in the face of death! Right?

My first instinct was to throw my Orb Of Deception at him. He dodges it and I expected him to get hit from behind but he catches it without looking. He throws it at me. I was about to catch it when he showed up in front of me with his Sickles. I felt something that was on my forehead. I touched it and it was blood. I look up with a panic look.

???: But you're not laughing now.

Ahri: Y-YOU A-A-ARE-

Death: DEATH!

Ahri: B-but I am still alive.

Death: You know, I am not a good person but the ideal of a person having nine lives is absurd. And you didn't value any of them! So why don't we make this last one now.

I can't. He terrifies me. I ran away from him. From the cemetery.

Death: Go ahead. Run for me. Makes it more fun. I got you and Eve on my list. Next will be Kai'sa and then Akali.


Death: corre, corre, zorra!

I ran and ran. I never dared to look behind me. I got to the penthouse opened and closed the door with locks on it.

Akali: Yo, Ahri what happened to your forehead?

I turn on my phone and went to the camera. There was a small amount of blood in the shape of the sickle.

Ahri: N-no!

Evelynn and Kai'sa joined. Kaisa saw my wound and went to grab the first aid kit while Evelynn was frozen in fear. What did he mean the he got me and Eve? I will have to tell them.

Author Pov

R.i.p. Kai'sa mental health. 💀 next chapter

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