Eve's Nightmares

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Eve Pov

Me and the girls finished up the concert in Ionia. Since it was late and there would be a storm coming we went to our Ionian penthouse.

Akali: Are we there yet?

Braum: We are here mistresses!

We got out of the limo and said our thanks to Braum.

Braum: No problem just be safe. Heard that it's going to be a bad thunderstorm.

Ahri: Thanks and take care.

Braum left our property and went to drive to his home.

Eve: Home sweet home.


Kai'sa: It's getting late, we should go to bed.

Akali: How about we watch a horror movie instead?

Ahri: Aren't you going to have nightmares?

Akali: Nope. Why? I am too cool for some childish nightmares.


Eve: *sarcasm* Sure you are. But fine. We will watch one movie. That's it.

Akali: Got it. I will go pick a movie. Kai'sa, bring some snacks. Ahri, you bring some pillows. Eve, you just sit on the couch and act pretty.

Eve: Charmed.

Ahri and Kai'sa left to go get the stuff while I just sat there watching Akali pick Nightmare on Elm Street.

Eve: Are you sure you aren't going to have nightmares from this?


Akali: For the last time Eve, I am just too cool for nightmares. If I ever have some nightmares, my demons will be the ones shitting in their pants.

Ahri returns with blankets.

Ahri: Yeah yeah. Ooh nightmare on elm Street. That movie ain't scary. But for Kai'sa.......

Kai'sa brought popcorn and some drinks.

Kai'sa: Seriously this movie? I am not gonna see it.

Eve: Scared?

Kai'sa: Yes!


Eve: How about this. You watch this movie and Akali here will help you with whatever you need for two weeks.

Akali: I do not consent to this.

Eve: Do we have a deal?

Kai'sa thought for a moment. Her scared expression turns into a smile.

Kai'sa: Yes. You got yourself a deal.

Ahri: Poor Akali.

Akali: Shut up. Plus the movie is starting

Huh? I hear a faint whistle that sends chills up my spine. I look to my left then to my right and saw nothing. Maybe I am just tired. Yeah, that could be the answer.

Sometime later

We were watching the scene of Glen's death when all of a sudden the power went out.

Kai'sa: what the hell!

Akali: Chill girl. The power is just out.

Eve: I will have to make a call first thing in the morning. 


Ahri: Now that just happen why don't we go to bed.

Kai'sa: Yeah. Goodnight girls.

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