Chapter Fourteen

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Filming for Dragons Den was underway and with Geek Games still on its second season, I was busier than ever before. Promotion work for each of the shows was all part and parcel of being involved so I found myself haring around the country for radio and television interviews. As they were usually breakfast shows it meant Tom was at the theatre before I returned and I missed him more and more when we didn't get to see each other for almost a week at a time. Still, I made a point of enjoying every moment we did have together.

I had done some voiceover recordings for the UNICEF One Year On documentary and was scheduled to do some filming for that in a couple of weeks as well as doing spots for their advertising campaign, so once again I found my business being put largely in the capable hands of Sam and Owen. I was still doing design work on a couple of projects but rarely made it into the office, finding I was more productive if I worked at home in between other commitments.

But I was thriving on my new challenges in spite of the time constraints. I felt very passionately about encouraging and promoting innovation and creativity in business and particularly encouraging women to join the entrepreneurial field, and the two television shows allowed me the opportunity to accomplish both. More and more often there would be a growing crowd of fans outside the studios after filming, people wanting autographs or selfies. When women of all ages began commenting that they felt encouraged by my example to start up their own business or enter a male-dominated career I felt immensely proud.

Sunday became my favourite day of the week as Tom had no performances and we could spend the day together, usually just relaxing or catching up with friends. One particular Sunday we were enjoying the peace and quiet of my garden, thankful for the warmth of the sun on our skins after a busy working week spent predominantly indoors. I had gone into the kitchen to fetch cold drinks for us both and when I got back Tom was standing there holding a lush red rose which I recognised as coming from my neighbour's garden.

"Tom! You can't go stealing flowers! I'll get in trouble!" I teased, placing the glasses on the table and hoping he could still tell I was touched by the gesture.

"I love you Kate Sullivan."

My eyes flew to his face, finding it etched with so much tenderness and vulnerability, love and tremulous hope that my heart felt like it would burst out of my chest. I took a step closer to him and raised my hand to gently run my fingertips over the contours of his brows, his cheekbones, his lips. His soul lay bare before me and I had no hesitation in saying the words he needed to hear.

"I love you too."

When he wrapped his arms around me and kissed me my heart shattered into a million tiny pieces then slowly rebuilt itself in his image.

"I love your strength." He pressed tiny kisses to the side of my neck. "I love your compassion." Now lavishing attention on my collarbone. "I love your humour." My earlobe was thoroughly nibbled. "I love you Kate."

Another heart-stopping kiss and when we finally came up for air I took his hand and whispered, "Come with me." I led him through the kitchen and down the hallway to my bedroom and we didn't see the sun for the rest of the day.

Tom's play was having a very successful run and I went to see it with Davey and James. We had dinner in a restaurant in Covent Garden then walked to the West End theatre, arriving in time to buy a drink and programme before heading to our seats. Tom had offered to change them for better ones when he'd seen our allocation (Davey had bought them before I'd even met Tom) but I wouldn't let him, mortified at the thought of causing someone else to lose a good spot. I was nervous until the lights dimmed and then from the beginning of the first act was completely transported into the world unfolding before me. So involved was I in the story that when one of the main characters died in the last scene, I gasped audibly and had tears running unchecked down my face. I turned to see James and Davey in the same state. We joined the rest of the audience in giving the company a well-deserved standing ovation after the curtain fell and as the actors took their bows to thunderous applause I saw Tom look directly at me and blow me a kiss. I smiled as widely as I could through my tears and clapped harder still.

"You were incredible!" I told Tom when we joined him backstage. We managed a brief few minutes of privacy in his dressing room to exchange a kiss before other cast members began poking their heads in, wanting to discuss the performance and the audience's reaction. We went out to join the others and Tom kept his arm around my waist the whole time as we laughed and talked, all of them keen to hear what the boys and I had thought. Our praise for everyone's performance was quite genuine and all were smiling happily as we left.

There was a crowd outside the stage door of course and Tom - as usual - spent some time thanking his fans, talking and taking photos. I tried to keep in the shadows and out of sight as we were still enjoying our relationship being private, although I could have sworn I saw a couple of camera flashes when he finished up and took my hand as we walked to the car. I went back to Tom's flat with him where - at his suggestion and insistence - I had taken a small suitcase packed with clothes and my laptop. His flat was closer to the theatre than mine and that meant we could spend a lot more of our limited down time together. I was beginning to get used to his face being the last thing I saw at night and the first thing I saw in the morning.

Our peace was shattered early the next morning by a phone call from Luke, Tom's publicist, who said that social media was buzzing with photos of the two of us leaving the theatre the night before and speculation about our relationship. After discussing it for a while, the three of us agreed to ignore it for now. We knew that we would have to deal with the issue eventually but were happy to wait. I mentioned to Luke that I was considering getting someone to help me keep track of all the filming and promotional work I was doing and he recommended a couple of people and said he would email me their details.

The following weekend I travelled to New York with Sue, Sophie and Natalia. Nat had asked us to join her in celebrating her thirtieth birthday and I was looking forward to some quality time with three of my oldest friends. Once we had checked in at our hotel on Friday evening - and after a quick phone call to Tom, who was five hours ahead and just home from the theatre - we got all dolled up and headed out for a night on the town, eager to see what the Big Apple had to offer. We hit the Bowery Ballroom and danced to an indie-rock band then headed to Chaos, which that night was featuring Caribbean calypso music. Once the time difference caught up to us we headed back to the hotel for a good night's sleep, determined to hit the boutiques on Fifth Avenue the next day.

"Where the hell has Nat got to?" Sophie asked as she, Sue and I tucked into fruit salad from the breakfast buffet.

Sue was sharing with Nat while Sophie and I were rooming together. "She's probably still in the shower, you know what she's like." We groaned, remembering the many times in shared flats when Nat's long showers had depleted the meagre supply of hot water.

"I'll go get her," I offered but Sue got up, popping a chunk of cantaloupe into her mouth as she waved her hand to settle me back in my chair. "I've got it Kate, you can go next time!" We all laughed at that but knew without doubt that there would be a next time.

Four hours later and heavily laden with shopping bags, we stopped at an outdoor café for a restorative cup of coffee. We were discussing our purchases and I was looking at some gorgeous lacy lingerie that Nat had bought not far from where we were.

"You should totally have gotten the black set Kate, it would look amazing on your skin."

"I'm sure Tom would like it," Sophie winked and the others giggled.

"What is it with men and black lingerie, anyway?" asked Sue to a chorus of groans and "I know!" from the rest of us.

"Bit like a man in a tux is to us girls," I contributed and once again there were moans and groans of agreement before we all burst out laughing. I for one was picturing a certain man in a well fitted tuxedo and I decided that I would just pop back to that lingerie store after all. Sophie said she'd come with me and the other two were going to head to a store a few doors down once they'd finished up their coffees.

Sophie and I had taken no more than two steps from the table when I heard a scream, a blaring noise and a loud roar ... and then the world went black.

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